Tire Tread For Every Terrain
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Tire Tread For Every Terrain
Choose your weaponYou don't want to bring a knife to a gun fight. On the other hand, think how stupid you'd feel showing up to a squirrel hunt with an elephant gun. Selecting the right tire for your driving style isn't much different. You may feel pretty manly driving away from the off-road shop with your brand-new 44-inch Boggers, but after your first week of commuting on them you'll be ready to take the bus. Or, maybe you're sunk up to your rockers in a mud bog and realize those freeway-friendly all-terrains just aren't cutting it.
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Choose your weaponYou don't want to bring a knife to a gun fight. On the other hand, think how stupid you'd feel showing up to a squirrel hunt with an elephant gun. Selecting the right tire for your driving style isn't much different. You may feel pretty manly driving away from the off-road shop with your brand-new 44-inch Boggers, but after your first week of commuting on them you'll be ready to take the bus. Or, maybe you're sunk up to your rockers in a mud bog and realize those freeway-friendly all-terrains just aren't cutting it.
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