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Transmission Cooler Basics

Transmission Cooler Basics

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Transmission Cooler Basics

The Key To Keeping ATF CoolJeep transmissions love this time of year. Not only do they run cooler in the winter months, but crappy weather along with seasonal trail closures force many Jeeps into a state of hibernation. Sure, interruptions may come in the form of spur of the moment snow runs, or that pesky neighbor who refuses to plow and instead requests your assistance to free his stuck Honda Accord. Like a grizzly bear holed up in a cave, winter downtime can foster laziness from even the most industrious Jeeper. We are here to combat such neglect and inspire you to crank up the shop heater and put in the hours necessary to prep your rig for the imminent thaw of spring. Winter is the perfect time to tackle those little projects you put off during the summer months. Routine maintenance items such as changing out the Transmission fluid and filter are a good start. However, if you want to make the most of your vehicle’s hiatus, consider adding an auxiliary Transmission cooler. When the ice cycles retreat, and open top weather returns, your Jeep will thank you.

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