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What am I?

What am I?


Key West, Fl
1983 CJ-7, 4.2L
Background: Replacing all of the wiring in my '83 CJ7 with a Painless kit. Was trying to go piece-by-piece, but with the hacking and splicing that the PO did, along with dirt, grease, and some apparently indiscriminately-applied black paint, it was impossible to tell what was what.

So I took pretty much all wiring from the firewall forward out, to start from scratch.

I believe the PO did a Nutter, simply because there is only one vac line coming from the carb (from the port near the choke coil) and it goes to the distributor. There was also all sorts of wiring and connectors just lying about unconnected to anything.

So, game time. Please refer to attached pics :)

1. What am I?
2. What am I? I am simply an empty line that ends in nothing down near the bottom of the engine bay.
3. What am I? I am 2 wires with a connector and I seem to be going into a T-connection in a vac line?
4. I believe I am the temperature sensor.
5. I am the stepper motor connector, right? I had a plug with 5 or 6 wires connected to me, that was part of the ECM harness. Doesn't a Nutter make the ECM unnecessary? What should I be plugged into?
6. I am a single red wire terminated in a connector. I think I am attached to the exhaust manifold, underneath the carb.
7. I am two lines that, as you can see, go to nothing. Am I part of the heater/air system?
8. I am a large-diameter hose that is part of the heater/air assembly. However, I am connected to nothing and go nowhere. Should I be?

And finally, no picture, but - PO installed a mechanical temp sensor that is screwed into the block. Does anyone know off the top of their head what size bolt I need to plug this hole? I'd like to have one standing by when I take it out, just so I don't leak an engine's-worth of coolant all over the place.

Thanks in advance :)
7 is the heater coil, hot water from the water pump back to the water pump. unless it goes through the intake manifold as well. 8 is the drain from the air vent plenum goes to nowhere as long as water will run down hill.
good luck with the wires.:D
the hole in the block will take a 1/8 inch pipe plug, not a bolt. Bolt will be a bad idea all the way around.:cool:
7 is the heater coil, hot water from the water pump back to the water pump. unless it goes through the intake manifold as well. 8 is the drain from the air vent plenum goes to nowhere as long as water will run down hill.
good luck with the wires.:D

so those outlets ought to be connected to the water pump?
Those two tubes coming out of the firwall are your heater core. They need to connect to your cooling system. That red wire on the intake is for electric choke.
so those outlets ought to be connected to the water pump?
yes in a relative way, there should be a set of hoses that run together if they eliminated that heater or two places they plugged some lines.
do you have heater controls in the jeeps?
the firstpic my guess would be a set of small air compressors for a set of air horns? or maybe some part of a smog system they just disconnected.
the rest of the stuff is like, good luck what are the wires connected to and what does it do?
What you need is someone at the jeep, tryng to tell you off pictures on a forum is just guessing at best.
Those two tubes coming out of the firwall are your heater core. They need to connect to your cooling system. That red wire on the intake is for electric choke.

Rgr, that's what i figured.

Baja - no, there weren't any heater controls; but I've put them in. Guess I'll have to put some effort into the guts of the heater now :/ As for the little pair of things on the firewall - their terminal was plugged into the ECM harness, so I'm guessing some kind of smog deal.
1/8 pipe is ID, it may surprise you but pick up a 1/4 while at the home despot plumbing dept.
take some pictures of the water pump, sensor in the block and the top of the intake manifold.
the heater may have a hole/leak in it and that is cause to bypass it.:D

i dunno - 1/8 inch doesn't seem like it would be anywhere near big enough...
4 is the temp sensor, 5 is the stepper moter, 7 heater core, 8 drain hose for the vent in the cowl, and the hole in the firewall was where the wires went thru to the computer.
All the parts are listed here and you can go to the table of contents for even more detailed info. You won't find a better write up that this IMO. I printed a lot of this stuff out and keep in the garage with my manual.

Vacuum Details
4 is the temp sensor, 5 is the stepper moter, 7 heater core, 8 drain hose for the vent in the cowl, and the hole in the firewall was where the wires went thru to the computer.

Rgr, 5's the stepper - but if the Nutter is supposed to make the ECM superfluous, why do the the terminal and wires that plug into it go into the ECM harness?
Not sure I am reading this right, but, if you do keep the nutter you no longer use the stepper motor or plug the harness in.

The ECM controls both the ignition timing and the stepper to adjust lien and rich electronically for the emissions.
You don't have the wires pluged into the stepper motor nor any going to the computer any more so it has been nuttered.
You don't have the wires pluged into the stepper motor nor any going to the computer any more so it has been nuttered.

that's because *I* pulled all the wiring out. before that, the stepper motor wires were still attached, and the ecm harness was still in there. I was thinking the nutter had been done because there was only the one vac line still attached to the carb - going to the distributor - and there were a bunch of wires and connections that looked like emissions stuff unplugged and hanging all over the place.

but if the stepper plug was still in...then it wasn't nuttered? despite all that?
I'm thinking it has to have been nuttered our you would have wires going thru the firewall above the heater core to the computer.
It could still be partial or incorrect. The nutter did two things, it eliminated timing control from the ECM and emissions control from the carb.

You can look at either side and know.

If you trace your orange and purple wires to the distributor and they go into the firewall behind the glove box it is not bypassed.


If you look on your driver fender at the Ignition control module, they will be cut and spliced into where the wires come out of it before the plug in connection. The purple and orange wires will be be cut and two wires will be ran directly to the distributor.
I'm thinking it has to have been nuttered our you would have wires going thru the firewall above the heater core to the computer.

right, the ecm wires *were* there, until i pulled everything out.

and no, the orange and purple wires from the ign module weren't going straight to the dist. which is why i was kinda confused. the way there are no vac lines coming from the carb except for one to the distributor make me think it was nuttered, but the wiring doesn't seem to support that conclusion :/

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