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Wish my daughter luck!

Wish my daughter luck!


Senior Jeeper
clayton, DE
78 CJ7

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My 3 year old is going in for a "minor" procedure to repair a 7mm hole between 2 of the chambers in her heart. They are using a cath. through an artery in her leg to feed a small prostetic piece that looks like 2 umbrellas into the hole. They will then open both "umbrellas" and remove the cath.. They say it is very routine, but keep her in your thoughts. This is her and I last easter. We will be spending the night, so I may not be on here for a few days. Thanks.
I will keep you and your family in mind. I might not totally understand what you are going through but with 4 kids of my own anything like that seems like a big deal. Tell her good luck and buy her a new stuffed animal. (that always made my kids feel better after something like this).
Hope everything goes well!

Lets us know how it goes!

PM sent! ( shes getting a stuffed animal from me too)
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She and your family are in my thoughts. Good luck and please keep us informed.
Chin up. My little Neice had to have the same procedure done 2 years ago. Everything went smoothly, and I think it was harder on the family than it was on her. Still scarry though. Let us know when It's all done.
are tought and prayers are with you and your wife and daughter this stuff isnt supose to happen to kids
Please let us know that she is ok.

She is in my prayers. You, on the other hand are a big boy and can pray for yourself :)

God bless you both!
Thanks everyone. Her procedure went very smoothly. The hole was an "ideal hole" for this procedure and the doctor forsees no complications. She is not waking up to well from the anesthesia. They need her to stay still for 6 hours to allow the cath. hole to heal properly. Everytime she wakes up she is very crabby and wants to kick and fuss, understandably. They gave her something to make her sleep until the anesthesia wears off. We are at A.I. Dupont childrens hospital. It is a very good hospital geared towards children. We have a private room, but I still don't think I will be able to sleep. Once again, thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
Also, forgot to appologize if I blinded any of you with the glare from my shiny head in that pic. Guess I should have put put a warning on that!:)
Thanks everyone. Her procedure went very smoothly. The hole was an "ideal hole" for this procedure and the doctor forsees no complications. She is not waking up to well from the anesthesia. They need her to stay still for 6 hours to allow the cath. hole to heal properly. Everytime she wakes up she is very crabby and wants to kick and fuss, understandably. They gave her something to make her sleep until the anesthesia wears off. We are at A.I. Dupont childrens hospital. It is a very good hospital geared towards children. We have a private room, but I still don't think I will be able to sleep. Once again, thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

Awww.... the poor thing! Get her some ice cream or something!
AWW! Shes a little cutie. Glad everything went well , from one bald guy to another. ;)
You cant rig the contest for yourself to win. Nice try though. :p
Hey CJ... Can the next contest be 'who's the baldest?' :)
Pleased to hear that everything was routene. Modern medicine is nothing short of a miracle. God bless.:chug:
Hay I am glad to hear that all went well!!!
We came home today. She has one side effect that I hope is temporary! I think they installed a Red Bull dispenser in her stomach. She is a little ball of energy today. I don't know if it is because she slept for two days, or because for the first time in her life her heart is pumping correctly. The hole was allowing oxygenated blood to mix with unoxygenated blood. This was making her heart do almost twice the work to get the same amount of oxygen to her body as a normal heart. Kind of like if you had coolant leaking into your fuel line. You would need to pump a ton of fuel to keep the motor running. She used to be a pretty active and energetic kid. We thought she wasn't showing any symptons because she was a little chunker and never had energy problems. Now I am thinking about entering her into the ironman triatholon next year. Once again, thanks for your prayers!:notworthy:

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