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Wondering? Who Has a CWP? Why?

Wondering? Who Has a CWP? Why?


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
I have had mine for close to 24 years. I got it so I could go from home / gun range / home and didn't have to worry about being hassled if (when) I was pulled over for being an idiot! :laugh:
Everybody in Vermont has one, by pure virtue of being an adult citizen with no felonies on record. :) :) :)

Did I ever mention I like living in Vermont? :)
Everybody in Vermont has one, by pure virtue of being an adult citizen with no felonies on record. :) :) :)

Did I ever mention I like living in Vermont? :)
LOL - If I move to Vermont I'm OK with my 'automatic knife'?
I have had mine for EXACTLY 34 years. I believe it is the duty of every Americn to have one, until the government remembers that our "carry permit" is guaranteed by the 2nd ammendment of the constitution of the United States of America. I have carried a .45 nearly every day of my life since 1977.
I carry. I refuse to let me, my family, or an inocent civilian, be a victim of some criminal. :D

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin
here in the great buckeye state it's called a ccp.
and yes I love my 45:)
I am going to be applying for mine. But living in Comi-fornia I am sure it will be a trial in my patients. Even though our sheriff is supposedly has a "shall issue" policy.:rolleyes: In legal terms that means that they need to feel your reason is valid/worthy to issue the permit.
in Texas it is called a concealed handgun permit. I have no desire to carry a concealed hand gun. When I carry an handgun it will be for all the world to see.
I, personally, have a preference for edged weapons, People carrying hand guns would do well to never underestimate the effectiveness of a knife with in 25 feet or overestimate the accuracy of a hand gun over 25 feet.
I see handgun permits as an underhanded form of gun registration and I will avoid this at all costs. Our founding fathers did not give us the right to bare arms to protect ourselves from invading hoards or to defend our homes from criminals. They gave us the right to arm ourselves to ensure the ability to over throw a tyrannical government when and if it became necessary, just like they did.:patriot:
Granted a well trained fighter is just as effective with a knife at point blank distances. The gun in more likely to cause the assailant to retreat. With the gun being a better weapon for any user at over 5 feet it is the universal equalizer. And, on any day you could come across a equally or better trained fighter who just has the better day and is the one who walks away. So, if someone were to come closer than arms lenght and initiate an attack having time to draw a knife or gun I will choose the gun due to the finality of the likely effect with the least effort allowing me to flee and or engage the next attacker.
If I remember right, It's 15 feet. That is the time a person with an edged weapon can beat a person with a firearm concealed and holstered. I don't think pulling a firearm is always the best way to protect yourself, but it is another tool in the toolbox if it comes to it. I think that you must be trained well, and have alot of common sense. There are too many people carrying that don't know what state and federal law requires/expects, and alot of people end up liable for their actions. I'd rather be judged by 12 though, instead of being carried by 6. (You all know that saying!):D
I got one while I was in the military, we had people being probed for info and one attempted kidnapping.
I can tell you at 15ft with mine holstered, your not gonna make it.
I keep a gun in the Truck/Jeep or on me depending, especially these days traveling.

But if it was up to me everyone would carry swords.....LOL.
Funny thing - it's the visual that usually will inflict the fear. I shoot pins on a regular basis (don't ever break into my home dressed as a bowling pin - I'll drop you in a heart beat! :laugh: ), and I use a red dot scope. When i use a laser I am slow as hell - BUT EVERY ONE KNOWS WHAT THE RED DOT MEANS... :)

That is why my home weapons (1911's) have a laser on them, I wouldn't ever use them to aim - but it sure will let them know where the lead is going to end up! :)
I use a Remington 870 Express Magnum 12G, That OO buck will make a mess of'em.
Plus the sound of a round being chambered will have most people crapping their huggies.
The click click of a pump will definitely make your hair stand up - if your on the wrong end of it! :notworthy:
As most of you know I'm sure, But never pull "ANY" weapon unless you are in Imminent fear of your safety or of others. otherwise it may turn into a "Brandishing a weapon" charge. But Yea I'm all for doing what you have to do to keep you and yours safe.
Couple years ago my dear sweet li'l 75-year-old mother gave me one of these for Christmas:

Gerber - Clip-Lock

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