

BrockGrimes Archive Master
Kathleen, GA
Anyone been fishing yet?

I took the boy out the other day we caught a couple, a nice trout, nothing worth a picture.
my inlaws have a acher pond on their land. we went out sunday but didnt catch anything. they got bass, stripped bass, bluegills, and catfish in it.
went out last Sunday before this latest trip. Cold and cloudy cold day. The only thing we caught were 2 small crappies... both of them by my 3 YO Sammy, on a "cars" decorated 3 ft. long fishing pole...I'm entering her in a tournament this summer...
I am taking Bubba either this weekend or next. I have to get a license... damn. I dont even have a pole. Bubba has a Zebco (?) and an uglystick. He wants one of those ones on tv that you shoot. I dont know.

BUT he only likes to fish until he has caught the biggest one. Then he is hungry, thirsty, has to potty, anything to go back home.

I havent fished in years.
The wife, boy, and I went out today to pick up a quarter of beef but stopped off for a little fishing before hand. It was a good day!

The boy and I!

That's great! He doesn't look that enthused but in a few years he'll be kicking back the cold ones with you tell 'old' fish stories!

Make no bones about it he wanted to get ahold of the fish but it figured it might hurt him, it was kinda toothy for a bass. I returned it to the water for another day.
Kewl! Nothing like fishing with young'ins! Did he catch it or you? How well is he handling that Zebco?
He's got his own little zebco, he's ok at casting but he can set a hook and reels the fish in just fine. He's not scared of anything, LOL, sometimes I'm like DON"T TOUCH THAT! geez............
That one was mine he caught one almost the same size a few min. later. I put a rubber beetle spin bait on a hook with a weight on the line like you would a worm.
Next thing we know he's like hey i've got one. Sure enough he reeled it in and there it was. I think we're going again tomorrow while mom is at work, if he catches a nice one I'll get it mounted for his bedroom. BTW he's only 3 as of a couple months ago.
our daughter has to pet the fish before we throw it back in. unless its a catfish. then she has nothing to do with it. lol
Yes, took the kids out for a day on the lake, didn't catch nothing ??
When you meet someone on the internet, and you dont know what they look like, you take personality and kind of picture what they look like.

I pictured you differently than your picture. I pictured you to be short and stocky. Dark brown hair. A serious look to you.

I dont know. That is just what I thought because of your posts. Its not a bad thing.
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LOL that's pretty close.
5'10 205lbs brown hair

It was a good day of fishing, and a rare smile!

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