2 tickets :)

2 tickets :)


Well, it happened. I decided I'd drink too much Thursday night and head up to the city for a burger. Everything was closed so I turned around and got back on the interstate. The ole mail jeep was running pretty damn good and I didn't see any harm in seeing just how hard the little AMC 232 i6 could be pushed.

Everything would've been fine if State Troopers didn't drive very undetectable very much unmarked cars. Not soon as I changed lanes, two little blue lights stuck in the grill started flashing. Of course I'm thinking...DUI. Turns out, I knew the trooper and didn't get the DUI even though I blew a .17 ... but he did say "I can't believe this Jeep passed me at 84 mph." I said, "me neither".

So he wrote me for 78/65 and No State Inpsection and he gave me a ride home. Guess I was lucky, that's the only trooper I know...been any other trooper...I'd probably still be in jail.

Not bragging about drinking and driving...but the fact that the Jeep passed an Impala at 84 - with quite a bit more to spare - well ... ain't bad for an old mail jeep.
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I'm curious. You'll delete a post that mentions a possible DUI but you''ll allow off color and even sexually related posts that deal with the death of Michael Jackson?

If that's the case...I'd like for an adminstrator to either instruct me on how to delete my account here or delete for me. I'd rather not not be a member here if your censorship is Limited to a legal beverage.
1) I'm curious. You'll delete a post that mentions a possible DUI but you''ll allow off color and even sexually related posts that deal with the death of Michael Jackson?

2) If that's the case...I'd like for an adminstrator to either instruct me on how to delete my account here or delete for me. I'd rather not not be a member here if your censorship is Limited to a legal beverage.

1) No one on the site has the ability to physically remove a post except for me. And even then I will not do that. If a post was removed it is because of one of three reasons or a combination of them. A) The post / thread could be harmful to the OP B) The post / thread could be harmful to a member C) The post / thread could be harmful to the site. I will and do review every post here and will look at what transpired.

2) I do not delete accounts.
Well, it happened. I decided I'd drink too much Thursday night and head up to the city for a burger. Everything was closed so I turned around and got back on the interstate. The ole mail jeep was running pretty damn good and I didn't see any harm in seeing just how hard the little AMC 232 i6 could be pushed.

Everything would've been fine if State Troopers didn't drive very undetectable very much unmarked cars. Not soon as I changed lanes, two little blue lights stuck in the grill started flashing. Of course I'm thinking...DUI. Turns out, I knew the trooper and didn't get the DUI even though I blew a .17 ... but he did say "I can't believe this Jeep passed me at 84 mph." I said, "me neither".

So he wrote me for 78/65 and No State Inpsection and he gave me a ride home. Guess I was lucky, that's the only trooper I know...been any other trooper...I'd probably still be in jail.

Not bragging about drinking and driving...but the fact that the Jeep passed an Impala at 84 - with quite a bit more to spare - well ... ain't bad for an old mail jeep.
Well, after reading this post I would have to say that my gut action would be to remove it also - to protect ( Section 1) A) the OP from the barrage of replies I am sure will be forthcoming.

First, why anyone would b bragging about drinking and driving, getting pulled over and being double over the limit is beyond me! I surely would have 100% NOT included that information in my post, but since you fought so hard to have that information publicly displayed it will be so, forver...
Yep that CJ went fast! Fast enough to kill who ever happened to be in it's path if you hit anything! Thankfully that was not the outcome?!

I could give a rats but about my CJ doing 84!

Any other replies posted after this had better be clean and civil!
I am the one that pulled the post, not CJ. I questioned wether you were thinking clearly when it was posted. Drinking and driving a motor vehicle drunk is unacceptable, and a law enforcement officer charged with the duty of public safety allowing it to go without punishment is as bad. You should be walking, and he should be without a job. I was in my Aunts front yard when a drunk lost control of his car and smashed my 4 year old cousin, a little girl, between his car and a tree in their front yard, during a family picnic. They gathered what was left of her onto a tarp and rolled it up to remover her. I was 10 feet away when it hapened, and was hit with her blood. I noticed that you have a family too. Put yourself in their possition before you get drunk and drive an old Jeep at 85 miles an hour. I don't know what reaction you were looking for, but I doubt anyone here will think you're "cool"
I'd rather not not be a member here if your censorship is Limited to a legal beverage.

You're right, alcohol is a legal beverage. Driving with a BAC above .08 in the state of Virginia is not legal.

Now, am I going to say I've never done it before? No, I won't, because yes I have. Was it stupid and irresponsible of me? Yes, it absolutely was. And I am man enough to admit that.

I want to know though, is what makes you think that it's okay to post this little story of yours on a public forum and explain how you got away with it? And then get ticked off when people start accosting you about it? I guess I just don't understand what made you think that people wouldn't get ticked off at you over posting something like this?

Look at it this way, you have the ability to read this on a computer this morning from the comfort of your home. And you're not in jail, where you should have ended up.
I'll just say I read the post right after it was posted, I for once was at a loss of words to reply to it, without a lengthy barrage about how st...NO, never mind....

CJ, Coldwater, you guys did and continue to do the right thing when it comes to this forums content. Keep up the Good Work!
If you are bragging, I think very little of you, 29 and DUI, you should not be a foolish kid anymore.
If you are confessing, the shame on you and go get some help for your drinking problem.
Cops were a lot more tolerant 30 years ago, and a lot of people were killed or injured with lasting effects before they learned better.
They now usually will not let this get past, and if this guy did because he knew you, he did you no favor, you should have to face the bench.
I have a very close friend who has a brain stem injury because he was hit by a drunk driver, I see all the time the devastation it can do to a healthy body.

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