360 Cyl Head Question
Bought a set of 360 cyl heads (bridge type) at a local auction, machine work already done, valve job, resurface ect., I did not check them very well because found out when whoever did the valve job ( pos valve seats ) the valve stem height from spring seat to top of valve is very different from one valve to another, meaning spring installed height needed to be shimmed, no big deal with this, but when installing Comp Cam and lifters, the lifter preload varies from .045" to .110". Comp says .030" to .045". Some of the cyls., I can get .050 shorter push rods for but some of them at .070" for instance, a shorter push rod wont work. My question is can the bridge, where it meets the head be shimmed with washers or shim stock to bring all of them into specs? Already looked at grinding valve stems but not enough sten there, rocker would hit spring retainer. Any help on this is appreciated.