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Build Thread 79 CJ-7 Renagade

Build Thread 79 CJ-7 Renagade
Well my carb showed up today, but, Fed-ex wouldn't drop it off without a sig, sooo you see where this is going... so I went ahead and started pulling the manifolds and prepping everything for the swap, pulled the air pump and hoses and got the exhaust manifolds yanked and the runners look pretty good aside from carbon build up. I pulled the plugs, and mind you, this thing has been sitting for several yrs so I was expecting the worst, and the worst was just some minor carbon build up on them, like I would expect from a smog motor, no corrosion or moisture and the plugs were finger tight too which leads me to believe that the PO knew it would be sitting and probably oiled the cylinders before storage... so the 35K this thing is supposed to have seems to be pretty accurate so far. Hoping this thing purrs like a kitten in the next day or two, well, as long as I can figure out how to start it with just the engine harness! LOL, Any help here???

On a side note, this purchase and build has seemed to spark a fire in my family. My oldest son, who is with me here in PA, just purchased a cherry '79 Cherokee Chief S that the PO purchased in AZ a couple yrs ago and drove back to PA with it 2800 miles. Ticker says 49K, and we feel it's accurate. The AZ sun has faded the paint a bit, but this thing is totally rust free... nice find!

Now my youngest son calls tonight and tells be he's traded off his POS Bravada for an '88 J20 Truck!! LOL, this is awesome and I'll put up a pic in the 'Other Than CJ' forum tonight when he sends it to me, and the Chief is there too so check 'em out!!

The next one is looking like it's going to be a '48 Willys Overland Wagon for my wife. She and my youngest son went to a Jeep Rally/Swap meet in Des Moines over the weekend and fell in love with a woody Overland Willys, but said she didn't care if it were wood sided or not, and well, I have found one for sale that is completely original, runs, drives, and is kept in a garage. It does need restoring, but it's a very good start and it's two wheel drive (I think) from the pics. I haven't asked and he hasn't said either way and I think I might go look at it this Sunday. :)
That last post was packed full of :drool:. Definately post pics in the "other" section. Off to look now!
So I did get my new carb the other day, had to take off work for a couple hrs so I could catch the driver at the house, and probably the coolest box I have ever received!!
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I love the old scool look!
Anyway, I tear into my engine and get the old intake off and yep, looks like a smog engine in there, but not as crusty as I expected. I cleaned everything up real well, pour a quart of oil all over the lifters and camshaft because it's been sitting a while, and rotated the engine a few times (do they have a prime tool for these?) and then I open my brand new Edelbrock Performer intake, with the "complimentry intake gaskets" and there are no freaking end gaskets with it! WTF??! So I had to call the local Parts store and order a whole new set, but at least this set has the valley pan. I will finish the install tomorrow, after I go check out this '48 Willys Overland I found!! Later Dudes!!
Well no work on the Jeep last night or today, this damn rain here in Pa, just won't stop. Not to mention, it was only 42 degrees here today, and again, rained all day...

So we chased down a '48 Willys today and checked it out! Needs a FULL resto, 2 wheel drive, mostly complete but missing some trim and maybe a seat or two.. I'll have to think hard on this one, parts are hard to find for these, but who knows!! Could be a cool driver with a small block/auto combo, perfect for the wife to tool around in! Street rod it maybe? Has the split windshield and a straight axle front end, can see some meaty street tires out back and skinnies up front... maybe pro-street! Hmmm....
Oh wow, Pete! That place is awesome! So this guy parts these out?? Just with those few pics I seen a few pieces of trim I'd need if I get that '48.. Be worth a drive just to check him out. Thanks!

So once again, no work on the CJ. Had plans to get some things done, but my son decided to rebuild the carb on his Chief S, and it would not stay running without copius amounts of throttle and was missing badly. I thought maybe he somehow messed up the timing or swapped some plug wires but he had not. A quick inspection of the cap and rotor showed quite a bit of corrosion so we changed those, ran better but not good and this time he tells me there's a lot of black/blue smoke from the tailpipe soo... off with the carb to check out his work (first time rebuilding one without supervision). first thing I notice is there's no squirt from the accel pump, pull the top and almost no gas in the bowl, so somehow it's sucking it out as fast as it came in.. turns out he didn't get the little pump diaphram in the center hole in the bowl, nor did he pull the teet hard enough to seat it, so gas was literally pouring into the intake through the accelerator pump diaphram, lol, but other than that he did a nice job and it fired right up and now purrs like a kitten. After I locate a vacuum diagram we'll change all the dry rotted lines and I can get it dialed in a bit better... :)
I can get you the phone number if youd like to talk with him before you visit. I know alot of those pieces are hard to come by. He may even have a source that reproduces some like Omix Ada but Im not sure.
I can get you the phone number if youd like to talk with him before you visit. I know alot of those pieces are hard to come by. He may even have a source that reproduces some like Omix Ada but Im not sure.

That would be great Pete, Still trying to decide on the '48 I found, but either way I will be getting a Willys Wagon, or maybe an early truck, but probably a wagon. LOL
Well, it was finally a nice day in Pa., today, so when I got home I got dirty with the Jeep. Fitting the headers was interesting, I remember now what a pain in the *** they can be... being an automatic, the tranny lines needed a firm hand and re-adjustment as well as re-routing the starter cable. Later on, I will be making my own stainless lines, if I don't decide to put a 4-speed in it eventually, but I think I will like the automatic. Anyway the headers are tight, and if you haven't already read through the thread I did decide on running the exhaust inside the frame rails. I am also worried about the steering intermediate shaft, without the tub it's hard to tell if it's going to clear so can anyone confirm this? And I also had to remove the proportioninig valve for the brakes, and I hope I can re-mount it up on the fenderwell without any problems.
I just joined and was looking at some older threads and yours came up.
I have a 79 CJ7 Renegade as well. With the same AMC 304 , auto, and QuadraTrac .

However, I've already gone down the "restoration" road.
My body tub was relatively good though. After it came off, I ditched the wiring harness and got a Centech harness. Then treated the frame with Wurth Rust Guard. It is an awesome product, and nearly indestructible. As you can already imagine, the list of things goes on and on and on.

Its just my 2 cents, but I'd keep the stock manifolds. Personally I think the HP gains with headers are not worth the hassle of headers that NEVER stay sealed. Again, my opinion only, but headers suck A** !! In fact, my Transmission is at the shop being rebuilt, and I just acquired a set of stock manifolds that are going on this week. I cannot wait to be rid of headers. !!!

It was a lot of fun while I went through the process 10 yrs ago.
Good luck with yours.
I missed your last post saying you just put on the headers!! LOL

Dont get rid of your iron manifolds. Put them on a shelf. They are worth quite a bit, coming from a CJ with auto tranny. Plus if (when) you are tired of changing header gaskets, they will be on the shelf ready to re-install. !! haha

I had the inside the frame rail headers too. Several different brands over the years. And to answer the question, yes.... your steering shaft will not interfere, and your shift linkage should be fine too. However, I didnt have to relocate my proportioning valve. I remember it being a very tight squeeze between the frame rail and header though. Wish I knew you wanted a set, and I would have mailed them to you.. !!!

I missed your last post saying you just put on the headers!! LOL

Dont get rid of your iron manifolds. Put them on a shelf. They are worth quite a bit, coming from a CJ with auto tranny. Plus if (when) you are tired of changing header gaskets, they will be on the shelf ready to re-install. !! haha

I had the inside the frame rail headers too. Several different brands over the years. And to answer the question, yes.... your steering shaft will not interfere, and your shift linkage should be fine too. However, I didnt have to relocate my proportioning valve. I remember it being a very tight squeeze between the frame rail and header though. Wish I knew you wanted a set, and I would have mailed them to you.. !!!


Brian, since I've bought this Jeep I feel like a kid again, It has to have GIANT TIRES and BIG lift, it had to have a V8, and of course, it has to have headers!! LOL! I'm 46 yrs old and I have no idea what's come over me. I've used headers on all my muscle cars over the years, and believe me, I know how much they suck... I waanted the fenderwell headers, but after reading about the exhaust fumes and how loud they are, well, I guess that's where my age and common sense finally came into play...:rolleyes:

I will be keeping the manifolds, they look to be fairly free flowing, almost header like, so I'm sure I'll come to my senses again somewhere down the trail...:D
Well got home tonight, all excited to finally get my new manifold in place, my son went to town today and picked up some nice, shiney, stainless bolts for the install. Opened up my brand new gasket set, and there is no freakin' sealer in the box!!! WTF?? So it didn't happen... But my son did get a few things done for me today, sanding down the windshield frame and starting on the hood as well. More tomorrow.. I'm tired, my chief (guy I answer to) dragged up today over frustrations with our project, leaving me holding the bag, and in charge of this project now... temporarily I hope... so I've been in conference calls, answering about two hundred emails, dealing with the contractors, not mention doing my job as Electrical Insp... I've been home for ten days in the last year, this is not what I needed right now, I'm ready for a break...
My son got some things done today, sanding the hood and the windshield frame down and getting a coat of primer on them. Tommorrow he'll wet sand them and then give them a couple more coats so there is a nice, well covered surface, and a final wet sanding. That should get me through the winter.. More tomorrow.
Making some good progress on the body this weekend, it's beautiful here in Pa. right now! Windshield frame should be finished, the hood will be finished, we have a couple coats of primer on and the underside has been sanded, primed and undercoated, just need a final wet sand! We'll move on to the doors and start sanding the tub down tomorrow, and I also finally have everything I need to button up the new intake, headers and the carb. Should be able to try and start it tomorrow! I'll get some pics up later!

Oh ya, and the fenders should be finished tomorrow as well!! Turning out to be a pretty good weekend!
So I just ordered a new HEI distributor from CRT Performance. Now it says it has the "correct drive gear that won't destroy your cam gear"... I hope they are right. It was $119 and free shipping. 50,000V coil and all GM replacable components, I just need to buy some new wires. I was looking at the D.U.I distributors, but I ain't paying 300-400 bucks for one, that's rediculous.

I also just ordered a set of 10.2 mm plug wires from ProComp as well!
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This morning I began to install the intake, and found that my son did not get the right amount of bolts on the last parts run, but I needed to make a run in anyway for the four header bolts, you know, the ones in the center that are a size bigger? What's with that?? lol, and I needed a battery and some cables, oil and a filter for just in case it does actually run and I can change it.. so I get back after nearly 3 hrs of chasing parts, and get the headers on, get the intake down, put all the vacuum ports and stuff back into the intake, and it's ready! Ready for my brand new Holley Truck Avenger carb aaannnd... no studs.. or a spacer, it should have a spacer right??? That's what I was thinking :/ It really sucks not being at home, in my own shop. I have all this little nit-picky :dung: laying all over the place there... and I'm already tired of working out in the yard, already have mice crawling up under the cover and pissing and crapping all over the intake, it really sucks... and now I'm done ranting!:D
haven't posted any pics in a while, so here's a few..
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Intake, carb and headers, carb still needs a spacer plate, and studs. Where can I find that gromet??

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Both fenders are primed along with the hood.

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Tight fit, and looks like the starter won't be so bad when the time comes.

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This side has more clearance than I originally thought, my proportioning valve should fit in the original place. GOOD DEAL!
So not much happening, still EFFING RAINING here in Pa, well, except for today and maybe part of tomorrow. My son wet sanded the doors and hood today and got another coat of primer on them, but we're getting streaks or a striping effect, I guess, but it could just be his technic. He's never done this before, so I have to give him credit for doing his best, it is just rattle can primer, lol, I can't expect much but I would like an even coat, I keep hoping a final wet sand will clear it up and even it out, but as long as it's coated well to make it through winter.
I also got my new HEI distributor on Saturday, and was going to get it in yesterday, but again, IT'S RAINING!! but I still don't have my wires, so no big deal.. I also cranked it over the other day, but I think I mentioned that the other day, but I'm not sure that I mentioned that my tranny lines started leaking as I was cranking it, right in the middle too and it turns out they are rusty.. I have new 3/8 stainless tubing that I will bend myself to replace them.
I also have to make my strike plates for my door latches, Elwood is going to hopefully get me some dimensions from a couple he has and I'll fab them up this week, just need to figure out how to mount them into my YJ tub.
Pretty decent day today, my son got the windshield frame primered, it has more rust than first thought, but it's better than the one I got with it by far and I will eventually get a new one (has anyone bought the ones off of Ebay for $120. ?? Was wondering about the quality). So besides that, he put another coat of undercoating on the fender wells, and started wire brushing my wheels so we can get them in primer too.

I got home and installed my new HEI distributor, tight fit against the power steering pump, there's clearance, but it's tight. The new 10.2mm plug wires came today too, they are cut to fit but has gotten dark on me in the yard (wish I had a garage:() aaand it has started raining again...

I also got my stainless tubing today for the tranny lines, as well as four new fittings, so now I can get those bent and installed, and then I can START MY ENGINE!! Hope the rain stays mainly on the plains this week and I can get that accomplished, I reeeally need to hear this thing run!!!

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