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a great; picture look closely

a great; picture look closely


Active Jeeper
P-Pines, CA
'76/'79 CJ5, '00 cherokee, '94 YJ, '98 altima

Screwed up my punctuation in the title, forgive me
A true AMERICAN picture
Thats the only way to keep them safe. I do hope it's a 45 and not a 9.
I don't mind New Jersey for the most part.
Yeah yeah high taxes, corrupt government...

But not being able to carry is what bugs me most.

I"ll pretend I didn't hear that

This could get messy!
Come on though... The bigger the whole, the better.
You just have to know how to handle it.
But 357 Magnum is my first choice anyway.
What cracks me up is most 9mm lovers i work with argue it's better because it holds more ammo. Seriously if I dump all the ammo from my .45 and still need more it's well beyond the need for more ammo, you need backup.
Thats why I would prefere a nice small 357 revolver.
If six shots from that don't do it, you either, like you said, need backup, or you just to practice with so you can actually hit something!

Something that made me laugh when I read it was, "you shouldn't use a 12 or 20 gauge shotgun for home defence, because there to loud and have to big blast" or something like that.
The same dummy was saying a 410 with birdshot was the best home defence gun.

I figure, you NEED to get used to whatever you choose, and be prepared for the blast.

heck, with a 12 gauge with buckshot, even if you don't hit the intruder, he'll still :dung: his pants/have a heart attack.

Although, personally I prefere my SKS, 7.62x39

But where I live you wouldn't have to worry so much about where the bullets go.

-Mike,who hasn't been to the range in a while, and is itching to dump a clip (sks uses a clip, not a magazine) of 7.62x39 at full speed.
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An old retired Sheriff was still in the habit of wearing his .45 on his hip whenever he went out, even though he was retired. Finally, while at a community event, a young reporter fresh out of journalism school, asked him, " Sheriff, you are retired. Why do you still wear that .45 everywhere you go? " The sheriff looked him up and down for a moment and simply replied,

" Because son, they don't make a .46 "
The best part of the .12gauge is the sound it makes when you chamber a round.
That's deterant enough.
Thats why I would prefere a nice small 357 revolver.
If six shots from that don't do it, you either, like you said, need backup,

I figure, you NEED to get used to whatever you choose, and be prepared for the blast.

heck, with a 12 gauge with buckshot, even if you don't hit the intruder, he'll still :dung: his pants/have a heart attack.

Although, personally I prefere my SKS,

Kirbot, nicely said
I prefer my 6 shot single action 45, knock down power is what it is all about, and as far as accuracy, few things are as accurate as a single shot revolver. Plus it takes a few seconds to aim, as you do most guys are not aiming so basically the guy who aims wins not the guy firing the most rounds.
Now I have 2 12 gauges dedicated for home security. one is behind my bedroom door, a single shot and in the top drawer of my dresser is 5 rounds of slugs, hollow point, cross cut 3 times, sabated with wax so it can be fired through a choke. I fired one at a tree, it went in one side as a small hole and out the other about 9 inches wide. In my closet is a 12 guage that is locked to a frame, you need a combo to get it out. It is a grandfathered street sweeper Striker bought and proven to be pre street sweeper ban loaded with buck shot. Believe me I have to have paper work on that thing as they are illegal as heroin these days. I cannot even have it out of the house. I will deal with those laws if I ever have to use it.

Modern Firearms - Striker Streetsweeper Protecta shotgun

I figure it is all about accuracy, and buck shot is as accurate as you need to be. Any one can get a Automatic pistol and fire out 17 rounds, but if they do not aim what good do they do? A shot gun with buck shot you point and shoot, has proven to be very effective against deer.
Not to mention most shooting situations are shotgun range.
I hear guys always talking about home defense with something like an AK or similar. I just hope my neighbor isn't that dumb, that's all I need is 7.62 coming in to my house as he blows away everything but the bad guy.
Not to mention most shooting situations are shotgun range.
I hear guys always talking about home defense with something like an AK or similar. I just hope my neighbor isn't that dumb, that's all I need is 7.62 coming in to my house as he blows away everything but the bad guy.

Yup, I think a 12 gauge shotgun is probably the very best in home defense.
When I mentioned SKS (vry similar to an Ak) thats my favorite of the guns I own.
Plus, like I said, I don't really have to worry about where they go around here. To many trees, and the neighbors are a long way off.

Plus, I'm sure a hollow point 7.62x39 can do a pretty good job of scrambling one's innards.

Besides, while not quite like a pump shotgun, my SKS does still make a satisfyingly pant wetting sound when chambering a round.
I think one thing the average person needs to consider when thinking about using any fire arm for home defense is innocent life.
And be prepared to make a decision that will be made in the worst of circumstances.
Think about this:
It is 2 am, somewhere in America a perp jimmies a window open and enters a house, his senses are tingling as he walks, 38 in hand looking for something of value to grab, Yes he knows the owner is there but hopes they stay asleep. He has done this numerous times, he is in his element, used to being up at this time his senses are sharp and cat like.
He hears a noise and sees the owner turn a corner and point a gun, but the owner hesitates so the perp fires his 38 twice and down goes the owner as the perp drops the unlicensed gun from his gloved hand and jumps out the window for a clean get away.
and This:
The man wakes at 2 am hearing some scraping downstairs, he grabs his 45 auto and sneaks down to see, as he turns the corner, head still trying to wake up he sees movement in the dark, he points his gun looking to see who is there. Suddenly 2 thuds hit his chest and he drops, the last breath he breaths is done in his 14 year old daughters arms.
and this:
The man wakes at 2 am as he hears scraping downstairs in the living room so he grabs his 45 auto and sneaks down to see what is up, in the corner he sees movement, still in a bit of fog he decides to fire first and ask questions later. After 3 shots he hits the lights to see his 14 year old daughters boyfriend laying crumbled on the floor in a pool of blood.

My point?
a person entering the house is in his element, awake and prepared to use the gun, he has no decision to make and anyone he comes upon is the enemy and can be fired upon. He has nothing to lose but his freedom for not shooting. he will shoot fast and accurate with a weapon that cannot be traced.
A home owner will be confused and trying to figure out what is happening, plus he is scared. He is in a unfamiliar state of mind. He probably is also in a bit of a fog just having been awakened at a time he normally is hard asleep. As he goes out he knows that he needs to make a snap decision and prepares himself.
When he sees movement he needs to make that decision, does he fire immediately and take the risk of not knowing what he is firing at, or does he wait until he can identify the perp as someone he does not know and dangerous?

puts things in a different perspective doesn't it?

I would suggest tactical home defense training, it is available in many places and teaches correct techniques of entering rooms and searching a house as well as how to remain secure as you need to make your decision.
The Perp has nothing to lose, anyone he sees is a target
You need to be able to identify the target, you need to be trained how to acquire and be hidden. How to move and remain in position as not to be a target. and how to clear a room before entering the next. Otherwise that gun you carry is more of a liability than a defense device.
Excellent points, Baja.
Many years ago, I had to go out of town for a few days with a co-worker, leaving my wife at home with her mother. About 2am of the second night, my wife had awakened to go to the bathroom, and as she was returning to the bedroom, heard a vehicle stop at the end of our drive. It's a long drive, at the end of a seldom traveled road, and no street lights. She looked out and could see the parking lights of a vehicle. She picked up her pistol and went out the back door, then eased around the side of the house. The vehicle was still there, and she could see a shadowy figure approaching.
I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard the pistol cock, and called her name. Our business trip had been cut short, and this was back before cell phones, so I hadn't called to let her know. Thank God, she hesitated.
It's 2am I hear something scurrying around down stairs.
I get my shotgun and wait for the soon to be corps to come to me. Then with a clear head and a target caught off guard, he's not robbing your house next.
It's 2am I hear something scurry down stairs. I grab my shotgun to investigate, i'm startled by the wife's cat and blow the little furry f'r away and return to bed for the best nights sleep ever.

On a serious note unless you've been trained, it's better to arm yourself and wait in your room, and call the police.
Be sure of your target and what's beyond.
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haha i saw a pic the other day ill look for it. but it was a picture of a guys yard and it had a sign in the front yarr that said something like "my neighbors household doesn't believe in firearms and i promise not to protect his with mine"

For home defence I keep an FN FAL with 1200rnds next to my bed, a 12ga pump for in the house, and a GEW98 with a notched bayonet for the up close and personal...in your face moments..LOL Gota love it!

But seriously that being said, where I live I'm more concered about bears knocking over my garbage cans then some dumb *ss breaking into my house anyway. Its a small town, everyone knows I'm a "gun nut survivalist" and I will return fire:D.

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