Announcement Amazon Store

Announcement Amazon Store


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30 is an Amazon affiliate. Items purchased from Amazon through are slightly discounted and the site earns a small percentage of the sale which helps fund the site.

Purchases are shipped and managed by Amazon or third parties but follow all Amazon guide lines including returns and warranties.

If you find something on Amazon not listed in the sale pages, just send a request with the link url and it will be added..
This is awesome! I know several podcasts that do the same. People are already buying like crazy, now support the site without spending anymore!

CJ, can you pin this in each forum category?
This is awesome! I know several podcasts that do the same. People are already buying like crazy, now support the site without spending anymore!

CJ, can you pin this in each forum category?
Thanks, do you mean pin the announcement or the actual store?
I think just the announcement is fine. I don’t know what the fine print details are, but a podcast I listen to regularly has a set up that if you click the link to Amazon from their website, they get a small piece of the purchase price. The difference is that it is on any item purchased. Not just specific items related to a site store. Not sure on how hard to get that set up, but that would be awesome if I could make all my impulse Amazon purchases on a link that gave money to the site.
Hey CJ, I'm looking to buy new seat belts for the jeep. Seat belts plus looks to have the best setup, but I don't see them using Amazon. Is their a chance to get them on board?
They do look nice.
I think just the announcement is fine. I don’t know what the fine print details are, but a podcast I listen to regularly has a set up that if you click the link to Amazon from their website, they get a small piece of the purchase price. The difference is that it is on any item purchased. Not just specific items related to a site store. Not sure on how hard to get that set up, but that would be awesome if I could make all my impulse Amazon purchases on a link that gave money to the site.
I'll look into that. Thanks.
Hey CJ, I'm looking to buy new seat belts for the jeep. Seat belts plus looks to have the best setup, but I don't see them using Amazon. Is their a chance to get them on board?
Unfortunately Seat Belts Plus pulled out of Amazon and only sell direct (from what I can find.)

Nice belts though... :)
Well, no one bought anything from our store so Amazon pulled it, maybe some other time... :(
What? Didn't know the site had an amazon store.

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