another hot rod

another hot rod


South of Texas
I have another friend that owns a muffler shop that uses it as a disguise to hide his real talent :







you have some interesting friends with interesting toys. Do you have any that owns a CJ, by chance?
you have some interesting friends with interesting toys. Do you have any that owns a CJ, by chance?
We are not really in an area where a jeep is a pratical toy. We can not drive on the beach, the island is only about 3 miles wide and approx. 30 miles long and there is no where to have fun Jeep Style.

This area went through the lifted truck phase quite a few years back, butt, there is just nowhere to show those kinda toys off around here.

The only kinda jeeps round here are the four door soccer mom types with leather interiors and gold trim and such ............

BTW : Back in the good ole days, there were regular street races on the weekends at nite at the east end of the island where the road is a straight run for a couple of miles .....

We had a "quarter mile" marked off, a "burn out pit" and lotsa participation.

Most of the old timers have gave it up and I do not think that todays youth is that much into muscle cars !

We are not really in an area where a jeep is a pratical toy. We can not drive on the beach, the island is only about 3 miles wide and approx. 30 miles long and there is no where to have fun Jeep Style.

This area went through the lifted truck phase quite a few years back, butt, there is just nowhere to show those kinda toys off around here.

The only kinda jeeps round here are the four door soccer mom types with leather interiors and gold trim and such ............


:grinjeep: where is that "whoosh- right over your head" icon?? :oops::laugh:
:grinjeep: where is that "whoosh- right over your head" icon?? :oops::laugh:

Dunno, guess I picture a topless, roll cage, 33 inch mudders as a Jeep. A Flex-Fuel Grand Cherokee with leather, a/c, and gold trim, is not what I think when someone says I have a toy and its a Jeep ..........

Maybe that "whooshing" sound went by you after I heard it, Eh ?

Dunno, guess I picture a topless, roll cage, 33 inch mudders as a Jeep. A Flex-Fuel Grand Cherokee with leather, a/c, and gold trim, is not what I think when someone says I have a toy and its a Jeep ..........

Maybe that "whooshing" sound went by you after I heard it, Eh ?

OK I'll play another way...lets see your personal toy, which I assume is a CJ5 with no top, has a roll cage and rolls on 33" tires.
Here is my CJ5 which this site caters to. Notice it has no top, has a roll cage and rolls on 35x12.50 Swamper Tires...where is yours (and not pics you just found on the net, or a "friends" vehicle.) Also notice it is not a GC.


God I hate trolls...
Sure, we can play it your way, as I can tell by your attitude that you are used to having your way .......................

My personal toy is a 2007 Harley Davidson with lotsa bling added! Sorry, mudders will not fit it .............

This site does cater to Jeeps of all makes, yes, butt, if you will git your head out of your backside, you will notice that this forum is named, "NON Jeep Vehicles", which I am assuming means everything that IS NOT a Jeep product.

You used the words God and Hate in the same sentence, hummmm, maybe you should check yourself before letting your trap snap anymore ! ! !

(Sorry Jeep, if you find my response offensive or non-conducive to this thread please remove it, butt, at least let this guy get a glimpse of himself !)

Sorry Jeep, if you find my response offensive or non-conducive to this thread please remove it
Funny thing about this thread... If we all weren't separated by hundreds of miles, we all would probably sitting around, watching the Las Vegas race, drinking beer, kidding each other and lying about when we first got lucky...

Internet type speak is hard to do sometimes...
What is that, A Bel Aire?? My GOD that thing is beautiful! That's some talent your buddy has.:drool:
I deal with hundreds of people in a dozen different buildings everyday and I must resign myself to the fact that not all of them are going to be happy or agree with me on a daily basis.

Compound this into a five day work week and it makes for good tolerance to the occasional dribble one happens upon when "doing" message boards ...............

Yes Dave, that is a Bel-Aire, and I agree, a very nice one !


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