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Brakes dont want to light up

Brakes dont want to light up


Charlotte NC
84 CJ7
New to this Board just bout a 84 CJ7 having troubles the brake lights wont illuminate when I press the brakes. They work when the headlights are on but wont ever get any brighter any ideas, already checked the fuses (I think) replaced the bulbs now I'm onto brake switch or a ground somewhere is that pretty much what you guys agree
New to this Board just bout a 84 CJ7 having troubles the brake lights wont illuminate when I press the brakes. They work when the headlights are on but wont ever get any brighter any ideas, already checked the fuses (I think) replaced the bulbs now I'm onto brake switch or a ground somewhere is that pretty much what you guys agree

First, let me say that I SUCK at electrical issues. but most crazy stuff like that is a ground issue. Better men than I will chime in here shortly.
Oh!,, and welcome to the site! :chug:
Welcome to the site PHIRE MANNN! :chug:

Definitely sounds like a ground issue - You stated the break lights actually work so I'll rule out burned out bulbs (you would be surprised how often that is an issue)...
I would say brake switch, wiring or turn signal switch. Probably not a ground issue because you said the tail lights work. Good luck.
All I know is, I have superior stupidity on this matter, and will now leave!
~~~ brake lights wont illuminate when I press the brakes. They work when the headlights are on but wont ever get any brighter any ideas ~~~

I would say brake switch, wiring or turn signal switch. Probably not a ground issue because you said the tail lights work. Good luck.

I missed where you said the lights work when the head lights are on...

Sounds like a turn signal switch to me (still could be ground). The circuit works when the lights are on (bypassing the direct wiring).
They work when the headlights are on but wont ever get any brighter

Alright, I've got to ask a question to your question. When you say "they work when the headlights are on", do you mean that the marker lights are on? Because the bulbs in CJ taillights are a two filament bulb. There is a marker light filament in there, and a brake/turning signal light filament.


I take that back, I need to ask another question too. Have you tried turning the key on and checking the turn signals and the four ways (aka hazard/warning lights)? With the turn signal/four ways on, check to see if the lights are blinking. If they do, then it's definately in your brake switch. Which is up under the dash by the brake pedal. If the turn signals/fourways lights don't blink, then it's either your turn signal hickey (sorry don't know the real technical term for it) in your steering column, or a ground/bad wire in the brake/turn signal circuit.

Don't worry coldwater, I've got you covered on the electrical stuff.... :chug:
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Oh, and welcome to the site :chug:
Good catch EB - I assumed he ment they (the stop lamps) work when the head lamps are on... Not that the tail lights work...

Easily could be bulbs then...
Could very well be one of the filaments in the bulb has burned itself out, but what is the chance of both at the same time? I think EB was correct in the turn/hazard check and if Nada then time to check all grounds ( clean and replace if needed anyway). Then on to brake switch and so on. Oh and another welcome coming your way :chug:
Could very well be one of the filaments in the bulb has burned itself out, but what is the chance of both at the same time? I think EB was correct in the turn/hazard check and if Nada then time to check all grounds ( clean and replace if needed anyway). Then on to brake switch and so on. Oh and another welcome coming your way :chug:
I agree that it most likely is the brake or turn signal switch - but I always say check the bulbs first.

As for the chances that it happened - I have see it a few times! :)
Alright I just went and did what you said turned the key to On position and the brake lights blink when I turn the key on so im thinking its def the brake switch I found it and its not touching the plate in front of it at all at any point so im guessin thats it any suggestions on how to take it out. I have a full roll cage so the dash doesn't really want to come out any ideas or am I just gonna have to figure it out?

ohh yeah thanks for all the help guys and about the bulb I just replaced the brake lights so I know thats not it

In case it is the ground where exactly would they be assuming everything is in the original position which who knows if it is they guy said it must have went out when he was trying to get the volt gauge to work who knows how accurate this is. and anyone have a print out of the fuse panel so I can be totally sure I have all the right ones where they need to be?
Because you're dash isn't going to come out, and unless you're a contortionist, I'm going to say to remove the drivers seat and get in there that way.

As for the ground. The easiest way to hunt for a ground is with a multimeter. If you don't have a multimeter. You're going to have to trace the wires, from brake switch to brake light socket :bang:

IMHO I would replace the brake light switch, they aren't very expensive, and if the brake lights still don't work after you've replaced the switch, then start ground hunting. Switches fail much faster than wiring will.
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yeahhh found a guy today thats gonna re wire the whole set up and put a new brake switch in for a bill so I'm just going for that thanks for all the help guys
I am lucky enough that just a few bulbs needed to be changed and my brakes lit up fine for me. I was so relieved when I realised what all could be wrong.
yeahhh found a guy today thats gonna re wire the whole set up and put a new brake switch in for a bill so I'm just going for that thanks for all the help guys

I recently had to replace my brake lights and ran into the same problem. The ground on the light fixture is actually the bolts that mount it to your body (well at least for my '75). Since it was not getting a good ground from the body, only the parking lights would work. So, I ran a ground wire from a known ground source on the frame, then the brake lights worked. The brake light wire also controls the blinkers, so if the blinker switch is bad the brake lights will not work. After replacing the blinker control module, connecting a proper ground, and remounting the light, everything finally works.

As someone else already stated, you may have a ground problem. Your ride is much newer than mine, so the setup is probably very different. Just remember, if you do not have a solid ground the system COULD make a ground with one of the other two wires. In my case, the tail light wire was hot and the brake light wire became the ground because of the completed circuit through the blinker switch.

It may be well worth it to pay someone else a bill to figure it out.:) That was a waste of 3 hours for me, :mad:.
This looks like an older thread but I'm going through the same thing. 94 YJ. Hazards work, turns work, but no break lights. Going through all these posts I think that means the second filament in my bulbs are working. So its not bulbs, it's not grounding, and its not fuses. My break switch has 4 wires which is screwing with my head. One of them (red/white) is hot all the time but if I jump a hot to the other points on the plug 2 don't do anything and one blows the instrument panel lights fuse (5A). One of those should have lit the dang brake light I woulda thought. My drawing shows one wire goes to the ECU. Is that the one that lights the light?
By the way unpluging and removing the instrument cluster gives access to the break switch.

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