Required Reading Build Thread Approvals - Required Reading

Required Reading Build Thread Approvals - Required Reading


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
Build Thread Approvals - Required Reading

We all LOVE to see how your CJ is being or was built, however I have restricted this forum to have all thread approvals acknowledged by my self or a moderator (to keep the forum on topic.)

If you wish to create a build thread that meets the build criteria it will be approved.

1) Must be a chronical detail of your CJ build.
2) If you need planning or technical questions ask them in the main forums. We know that some questions will need to be asked sometimes and those are welcome, but if your asking for advice, shopping for hardware or need help getting that bearing pressed on - please start a new thread.
"meets the build criteria" ???

Where do we find this information?

Can you let us in on the Criteria and the reason why build threads had to be monitored?
This seems to really suck the fun out of the forums . I started a build thread before seeing this and now i cant find it? Does this mean you have removed my thread because you didnt like something you saw. Im a bad typer thats why all caps its quicker for me . I am all for the site admin monitoring posts to make sure they are accurate, fair , informative , and to stop uglyness but not letting people post their builds seens a bit "big brother-ish" i have found alot of info on these forums and that will really stink if i have to go to another forum and start me thread there! Lots of shade tree mechanics spend more time working and in the garage then they do on computers so im sure like myself they wont jump through hoops just to post their build! I hope this doesnt slowdown the flow of information from out jeep brothers and sisters who dont cross the t's and dot the i's...

Cj brian nj
So far it would seem that all you need to do is ask, and I can see a number of reasons to approve build threads but my reasons may not be what our admin is thinking of. If you posted it it still exists, I think, so if it is approved it will magically appear again . And while we are on the subject, I find all caps to be annoying as all get out and would you please stop.:cool:

This seems to really suck the fun out of the forums . I started a build thread before seeing this and now i cant find it? Does this mean you have removed my thread because you didnt like something you saw. Im a bad typer thats why all caps its quicker for me . I am all for the site admin monitoring posts to make sure they are accurate, fair , informative , and to stop uglyness but not letting people post their builds seens a bit "big brother-ish" i have found alot of info on these forums and that will really stink if i have to go to another forum and start me thread there! Lots of shade tree mechanics spend more time working and in the garage then they do on computers so im sure like myself they wont jump through hoops just to post their build! I hope this doesnt slowdown the flow of information from out jeep brothers and sisters who dont cross the t's and dot the i's...

Cj brian nj
What does "must not be a chronical of your build" mean? Isnt that what a build thread is?
So far it would seem that all you need to do is ask, and I can see a number of reasons to approve build threads but my reasons may not be what our admin is thinking of. If you posted it it still exists, I think, so if it is approved it will magically appear again . And while we are on the subject, I find all caps to be annoying as all get out and would you please stop.:cool:

sorry if it bugs you ioport51 however im a horrible typer and by the time i put caps and puncuation i tend to loose my train of thought , i will try to remember to leave caps lock off but thats about the best i can do! im working on a few different "talk to text" programs however they are still not as usefull as they should be .
I find all caps to be annoying as all get out and would you please stop.:cool:

sorry if it bugs you ioport51 however im a horrible typer and by the time i put caps and puncuation i tend to loose my train of thought , i will try to remember to leave caps lock off but thats about the best i can do! im working on a few different "talk to text" programs however they are still not as usefull as they should be .

when I click on a post, if it is all caps, I don't even read it, it drives me nuts, I exit and move on to the next post to read
Brian, unfortunately, the only way to get good at writing is to wright. The best friend I have in the world is spell check and I type with two fingers while I look at the keys and not the screen. I would be surprised to learn that many of us in here had any real clerical experience to speak of. Don't sweat the little stuff and I for one would prefer you never used another capitol letter rather than use all caps.:D And punctuation takes practice too, so practice. I would not waste money on T to T programs, they never worked well enough to be more than a PITA.:D

You are among friends.:cool:

sorry if it bugs you ioport51 however im a horrible typer and by the time i put caps and puncuation i tend to loose my train of thought , i will try to remember to leave caps lock off but thats about the best i can do! im working on a few different "talk to text" programs however they are still not as usefull as they should be .
when I click on a post, if it is all caps, I don't even read it, it drives me nuts, I exit and move on to the next post to read

Thats ok bud , its always up to the reader to pick what they like to read . Im not hung up on capitolization or puncuation because i havent had an office job in 10+ years and as a slow typer it makes things flow smoother for me . If i post something formal or reply to guys that dont like it i will try to be a bit more proper in my edicate, or i will type my stuff out in a program with spell check and copy and past to the forum. but in all honesty if something feels like "work" i try to avoid it in my postings as this is really my relaxation time when im on the forums :) there are plenty of fis h in the sea that are much better typers than myself so im sure if my posts bother people they can check out thousands of other threads and builds!

thanks cj brian nj
^^^ Firefox with spellcheck built in is my best friend, but I still take the time to proof-read everything, even after its been posted already. its just the polite thing to do...
How long does it take for an approval?

I want to get onto the thread right away and reserve the first 5 or 6 post after the first post to set it all up...I can't stand the build or at least progress pictures spread across a ton of pages.
I just approved it, but reserving a post won't work as they are locked after a few hours (spammers were coming back after making a post and editing in links and junk).
I just approved it, but reserving a post won't work as they are locked after a few hours (spammers were coming back after making a post and editing in links and junk).

yup the op is pretty quick and seems to follow along really well i dont know how he does it but i give him alot of credit for keeping things running smooth! you found the right place to post your build tons of great guys and rigs on here with all the info you could ever need! i had a build on another forum with my cherokee and it as always hacked,down for maint etc etc and here its been 100% with no problems at all!

I just approved it, but reserving a post won't work as they are locked after a few hours (spammers were coming back after making a post and editing in links and junk).


That really stinks I can't reserve will drive me crazy having no compilation on the first page. Any hope of allowing it again?

That really stinks I can't reserve will drive me crazy having no compilation on the first page. Any hope of allowing it again?[/QUOT

you would have to host your pics on photo bucket or something like that (if you have alot) then the first post can be a big break down of your progress so far! i have put huge posts with 20-30 pics with no problem:) if using photobucket highlight all the pics you want and click "generate code for clickable links" once you paste the code you can go back through with the cursor and ad spaces and type descriptions. thats how i do it , might be easier ways but it is pretty easy for me.

thx cj brian nj
yup the op is pretty quick and seems to follow along really well i dont know how he does it but i give him alot of credit for keeping things running smooth!~~~
;) I get an email that containes every posted thread, message and member sign up... It may take me a little while but I read each and every post! :)

~~~ Any hope of allowing it again?
Sorry but no, you can make a post in Sand Dirt and Mud thanking the spammers though... ;)

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