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Busy Bee's

Busy Bee's


Old Time Jeeper
1999 TJ, 1976 CJ-5 2 seater
What's up everybody?, haven't been on for a while and not as often as I would like to be. Our daughter brandi is keeping us pretty busy with her music. She is quite the regular on Broad st Downtown Nashville. but I still breeze through now and then and catch up. I do still have my 2 seater CJ, too cool to part with. here's a link to Brandi singing at the "World Famous Nashville Palace". YouTube - Coal Miners Daughter Cover
catch ya'l later! Dan.
Good to hear from ya! Tell Brandi to keep up the hard work!
I would say you have your hands full.:) Just watched all the videos that she has up with the wife. Both of us are becoming big fans of her singing. She is going to make it big some time and than you will need to watch out.

Tell her to keep it up.:D:D:D:D
She's going to be making enough money to buy you a custom built cj pretty soon.
Good to see ya drop in now and than, but you have to get that jeep run'n so we can wheel golden mt. sometime.:D
She's going to be making enough money to buy you a custom built cj pretty soon.
Good to see ya drop in now and than, but you have to get that jeep run'n so we can wheel golden mt. sometime.:D
you know whats bad golden mtn is literally right across hwy 111 from my grandparents, you can sit on their front porch and look at the place, and i've never been. man i need to go im just not sure i have enough jeep based on the pics ive seen.
Wow, She's got a great voice!
I like this song: Sunflower YouTube - Brandi Ilene Singing "Sunflower"(:
I wish Brandi the best of luck.
Thanks for the support guys/gals, this song was originally written with Taylor in mind but she never picked it up and they told Brandi to try it out and see what she can do with it. yea maybe when she makes it she can help me build my frogger :). but like we tell her, she will be 18 before we will let her get too serious about her singing career and that she will be an Teenager first.
It's a tough career choice, but she's definitely got talent! :)

Best of luck.
I spent my summers in WV with my Grandfather and Grandmother, this song brings me back to when I was young... I'm a coal miners son! And damn proud of it! :)

She did great job! Tell her she rocks! We are all proud of her!

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