(Carb/Choke Question) Red wires normal ops
Problem: choke is not working
This red wire on the lower side of the pic is going to the choke housing/unit.
My question is, when does this wire deliver power? and if there is no power thru this wire, where do i need to start looking.
If the wire is functioning properly, could i have a bad choke housing/unit?
I looked at the Docs link up top but it was to small for me to make anything out. I traced the wire back to the wiring harness where it split. One went one direction and the other went to a component on the lower rear passenger side of the engine block.
This red wire on the lower side of the pic is going to the choke housing/unit.
My question is, when does this wire deliver power? and if there is no power thru this wire, where do i need to start looking.
If the wire is functioning properly, could i have a bad choke housing/unit?
I looked at the Docs link up top but it was to small for me to make anything out. I traced the wire back to the wiring harness where it split. One went one direction and the other went to a component on the lower rear passenger side of the engine block.