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CJ and YJ Full Door Locks

CJ and YJ Full Door Locks


Boston, MA
1984 Jeep CJ-7 6cyl 5spd
So, we all know that CJ and YJ doors are about 95% interchangeable. With that being said, I'm not sure whether my doors are CJ or YJ doors - but they fit the YJ body and the CJ hardtop... perfectly.

So, here's my issue. I'd like to buy a full set of (3) lock cylinders so I can have one key for all the doors (then one for the ignition, which I already have sorted). Morris sells the Lock Cylinder Kit with a model fit of '87-'95 (YJ). I'm wondering if the door cylinders will fit if I indeed have CJ doors.



on the top of the Forum Chassis & body....... there is a sticky block....

There is door artilce with pics so you can see your doors.
There is also a article on the tops

The door cylinders are similar, can be keyed or purchase key the same... std stuff. Not sure if the CJ or other J are the same.? Ask for cylinder type per your door style... seee the sticky right above this forum in the same section page?????

The ignition lock is much bigger and do not feel you will get them keyed similar. 95% certain.... a lock smith might do the custom work but that is the only shot.... IMO

I have a 3rd key, Hard top Hatch has a key and its not the same as my doors and I did try there. I have a 4th key.... a metal box that fits between wheel wells and has a flip/strutted top/ with latch and key lock.

Try and find the 3 cyliner keys in the dark will be fun if I ever have to do. I should put those key colors over the thump area.

Hope that helps,

I read the sticky...

I guess they didn't change the lock cylinders.

So, I'll be ordering the set and I'll let everyone know how it goes!

Just to be clear, I'm getting the 2 door cylinders plus the rear YJ swing-gate cylinder with all the same key. I already have the ignition cylinder and proper key. My Jeepie just doesn't lock! :(
The "cheapy small cylinder locks" are pretty std. So I think there is a good chance there are the same.

Quadratec, Morris4x4, and the Crown suppliers should have part numbers for

Early CJ like 78.... rotation handle
Late CJ like 84.... paddle handle
Then YJ yrs.... these are paddle too, I believe... get away from CJ and I do not study much

If... you have not found a offering for the Paddle Doors LOCKS, 1984, guess that is what yyou have.... let me know there are places that will spec it for that OEM Door.

I did not mean to leave you hanging,


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