I worked for a company that made fiberglass tanks for a very short while. They had me prep the sections to be joined with a die grinder. I tried everything imaginable to keep the dust off my skin, even vaseline. The vaseline only made more cling and eventually get in my pores. The 'best' way to get it off your skin after the fact is with Lava soap. But remember, if you grind fiberglass with a phneumatic grinder, you will get covered in fiberglass particles and you will be miserable for at least the next few days.
I recommend a razor saw. Should cost $5-10 at a local arts and crafts or hobby store. It's essentially a hack saw, but it has a really thin, 6 inch blade. It's designed for cutting acrylics and hardwoods for hobby type aplications and will make short work of fiberglass. It's not electric or air powered, so it will be easier to control how much you remove and how quickly you generate dust.
Use a masking tape to build a guide line to cut along. it only requires one hand to operate so you can use the other to operate the vacuum as necessary, but it wont send dust flying like a grinder.
Whatever method you use to cut the tab, remember to use a liquid adhesive to seal the now exposed fiberglass on your top. This will help keep your top from delaminating at the exposed cut from the wear and tear of operating your hatch. If you are careful, very careful, you should be able to use crazy glue for that. Otherwise a very small dab of a 5 minute epoxy will work.