Dashpad repair
I've searched and searched and haven't found any information on successfully repairing the back of a dashpad. I have a black dashpad that is in pretty good shape except for the mounting area...it's rusted and fell apart when I removed the dashpad.
What would be the best way to re-mout new metal or, at a minimum, tabs so I can re-install?
Here's what I think my options are:
1. Epoxy new tabs with extra metal bent in to penetrate the foam.
2. Step 1 + fiberglass covering tab anchors
3. Pitch it and save the time and hassle.
If anyone has successfully replaced tabs on the back of a dashpad, how'd you do it? :dunno:
What would be the best way to re-mout new metal or, at a minimum, tabs so I can re-install?
Here's what I think my options are:
1. Epoxy new tabs with extra metal bent in to penetrate the foam.
2. Step 1 + fiberglass covering tab anchors
3. Pitch it and save the time and hassle.
If anyone has successfully replaced tabs on the back of a dashpad, how'd you do it? :dunno: