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edelbrock carb

edelbrock carb


Old Time Jeeper
Altamonte Springs, Florida
1979 CJ-7, Newly rebuilt AMC 360!, fully rebuilt GM TH400, Quadra-trac TC w/Milemarker 2x4 conversion, AMC mod 20 rear w/1 piece Moser axleshafts, mod 30 front w/tie rod flip and castor correction shims, 4 in lift, Centech complete wiring harness, dual electric fans on 3 core aluminum radiator, tilt steering wheel, 20 gal poly gas tank, new J20 steering box, MSD 6A ignition combined with TeamRush distributor mods
Does anyone know much about Edelbrock carbs?

I was wondering why I am not pulling any vacuum from the carb port that is designed to go to my vacuum advance on my distributor.

At idle, I can pull the vacuum line off the carb and there is no apparent vacuum. Should there be any at idle, or is it just at higher rpm's?

I can spray carb cleaner into the port and it tries to kill the engine, so I know the port isnt clogged or plugged.

Engine has nice torque off line, but as soon as I put my foot in the throttle, there isnt much power. I am looking at potential carb issues, and noticed the lack of vacuum. Wondering if I am getting any advance at all at highter rpm's..

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Normally there is no vacuum at idle for the vacuum advance port. Rev the engine to a few grand and then check vacuum, it should be present.

Is this a new carb? Did this problem just start? Have you ever tuned it (the carb)?
Normally there is no vacuum at idle for the vacuum advance port. Rev the engine to a few grand and then check vacuum, it should be present.

Is this a new carb? Did this problem just start? Have you ever tuned it (the carb)?

thanks CJ...
No, this is not a new carb.
I bought it new and have had it on my jeep for about 10k Miles. However, it has sat for the last year with other issues that kept me from driving my Jeep. (tranny)

Now that I have it running again, there is a definite lack of power. Just did an MSD ignition (teamrush upgrade) and still issues. That was why I was looking at carb.

"tuning"....hmm.. not so good with that. I have the jets set at 2 1/4 turns out. Aside from that, I havent done anything to it.
It sat for a year? Did you drain the fuel or add stabelize?
If fuel was left in the carb I bet you have a bunch of varnish build up. Dit the Jeep run OK before?
Didnt drain fuel or add stabilizer.

I ran ok before.

Here's the short history.
I ran the heck out of it the last night I drove it as the tranny was taking its last breath before death. Had to rev the heck out of it to get it to go into gear. I dont remember issues with lack of power and a general "not running so well" feeling that i have now.

In years past I had Holley's and hated taking them apart. I got the edelbrock (carter) because I heard such good things about them if I had to get my hands in it.

Would I need to get a rebuild kit or just take it apart and clean really well?
might as well have a rebuild kit when you have it apart. put new needle and seat in it and new gaskets. also might as well replace all o rings just incase your problem is a rotten one or somthing crazy like that. use carb cleaner and air to make sure every passage is clear or foreign material.
If you're sparing cleaning into the vacuum port then it's being pulled in. This indicates there is at least some vacuum.

Check the hose from the carb to the distributor. Or any other vacuum lines. Just because there is vacuum at the carb doesn't mean the system is sealed. Any cracked/leaking hose anywhere can cause a complete or partial vacuum loss everywhere.

You should be able to test. Hold the throttle open a little. Maybe 500RPM over idle. Remove a vacuum line and listen if there's a change. No change means it was already open somewhere. Also try the same test at idle.
Didnt drain fuel or add stabilizer.

I ran ok before.

That is your #1 problem your gas is junk start with fresh gas :chug:
Rebuilding the carb is easy and not a bad thing to do with the old gas in it
Between the 2 of those things it should run much better
thanks for the imput guys..
I threw in half a can of seafoam yesterday with only a few gallons in the tank.

Will try and take carb apart this weekend if I have time.

Will report progress if any..

thanks again

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