electrical issue

electrical issue


I am new to the board and have an electrical issue on my 83 CJ i was hoping someone could help me with.All of a sudden my left front marker light and the blinker on the left front (round one) only work when i have the blinker on,they do not stay on as running lights and the left blinker on the speedo stays on all the time when the lights are on.also might be related or not,the temp gauge stopped working also
Do your 4 way flashers work?Do the dash indicators work when the flashers are on?
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already replaced the bulbs thats why im a little stumped,not real good with electrical issues
spend some quality time with a VOM and the service manual:cool:
Here is a link to your turn signal wiring.Its 2 pages print it out and follow the wires.Use your VOM like IO said and trace the leads from the source out.Your running lites are separate from turn signals.If a turn lite on the dash is on steady it is most likely a bulb problem.Make sure you installed the right bulb also.If your 4 way flashers are working and blinking on the Jeep and on the dash indicators your problem is probably in the signal switch or turn signal flasher relay or wires themselves.If you don't know how to use a volt-ohm meter there is plenty of info on the internet.Jeep wiring has always been a issue due to age or previous owners messing it up.Now is a good time to learn the procedure on dealing with these issues.

lighting schematic cj 5 & 7 - Jeep-CJ Documents and Manuals
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Check your ground wire inside the wheel well its prob dirty and corroded and not getting a good contact

also check both flasher canister under dash
should be one for emergency flashers
and one for directionals
they look like this
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Check your ground wire inside the wheel well its prob dirty and corroded and not getting a good contact
x2 on that.Now would be a good time to check all your grounds where they attach.They can be on the frame,the body,under the dash and battery.Most likely they will be close to the item they operate.
awesome ,thanx for all the info,i was thinking it may be a ground but was not sure where to start

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