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Forum statistics

Forum statistics


Jeep-CJ.com Archive Master
Kathleen, GA
Man it's crazy how much this site has grown!
Here's a thanks to quality members!
Total guests that have visited the forum in the last 24 hours: 1,237
Threads: 5,444
Posts: 52,481
Members: 3,146
Thank you all!

From last year, our hit rate is up 237.23%.


One of the best things is that the majority of our traffic is from search engines (shows we rank high on them). The other is that we get a lot of traffic from referring sites, that means we are no longer the 'little site that needs help' but are the site people say to turn to for CJ information... :chug:


Thanks again to all the devoted members that made this happen! :chug:
Lets throw a party!!!!

:booze: :banana: :wasted: :booze: :banana: :wasted: :booze: :banana: :wasted: :barf: :laugh:
Congrats CJ ! :chug: And thank you for giving us a place to play :notworthy:
One thing about the search engine traffic

So If we are drawing huge numbers of bots, we are moving up on the search engine list as a place to refer people to. And that folks, is good for us.
We then are drawing a crowd.
Look at the new names we get posting and answering questions now, I remember last year it was just a handful, and they were in every thread, now you get very good discussion and questions are answered before you get there and you comment on stuff where last year you were doing the answering. WOW, we are growing and our tech is showing off to the web we know what we are doing here.
This is the product of everyone who post here efforts and should make everyone proud.
It is actually very hard to do such as we have done. It takes a lot of effort to keep a site going during the slow days in the beginning and it also is hard to keep interesting reading up so people want to read the site.
Last year when I joined we were just a small CJ site, but I liked everyone and decided to stick around. Now it is my default page when I open my browser.
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Yeah I got here in feb and you in aug and it's really taken off since then.
I like opening a thread expecting to see a response from baja, cj, olddog, pete, and a few others, only to see a new member tossing up good stuffs. I've even archived a few responses.
Yeah I got here in feb and you in aug and it's really taken off since then.
I like opening a thread expecting to see a response from baja, cj, olddog, pete, and a few others, only to see a new member tossing up good stuffs. I've even archived a few responses.
Yes, now sometimes by the time I get there, the info is so good I just read and look for the next thread, I remember when we would all would answer and it would be the same guys every time.
Site is doing amazingly good.
I'm very new and can only say that in the few weeks since I've joined up, I've become quite addicted to this forum. I have to check it at least several times a day.
Yes, now sometimes by the time I get there, the info is so good I just read and look for the next thread, I remember when we would all would answer and it would be the same guys every time.
Site is doing amazingly good.

I know what your saying, I do the same thing alot here lately.
I joined cause there was an answer to my question, and was impressed with how the responses were, which kept bringing me back. It wasn't like a typical forum, where you get blasted for asking. I really liked, and respected that. It's nice to see it's growing.
I'm very new and can only say that in the few weeks since I've joined up, I've become quite addicted to this forum. I have to check it at least several times a day.
A couple weeks
humm, actually with the answers I have seen you give and discussion I thought you had been here longer than that
It is nice having good new members join as we try to attract a nice crowd, not the flaming group a lot of forums develop
~~~ It wasn't like a typical forum, where you get blasted for asking. ~~~
That (blasted) will NEVER happen! :chug: This site will NEVER succumb to that...

I became SO tired of reading threads at other sites that chastised people for being ignorant (newbie) that I started this site (on my own).

There is so much knowledge here that it is unbelievable! CJ owners helping CJ owners - WOW - I get teary eyed... :)
Ready for this?

New members for the last few hours... Makes me smile!

I don't mind answering a question a dozen times as long as it's not by the same person.

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