Gauge Cover & Front Speakers?

Gauge Cover & Front Speakers?


Active Jeeper
North Carolina
1979 CJ-5 Renegade with '74 304 V8 & Edelbrock manifold & carb, Heddman headers & sidepipes, T-150 3 speed, Dana 20, Dana 30, AMC 20
Hi guys. My next project is add ing front speakers and a gauge cover so 2 questions for the experts:

1. Anyone know what company makes a gauge cover that goes right over the dash? I would rather not remove the heater cables, etc.

2. Which is better, the Centra Pod or the Tuffy enclosure? Both go on the tranny hump in front of the shifters.

Any guidance is appreciated and pics are even better. Thank you!!
I have a stailess gauge cover from Kentrol and I dont remember removing the heater knobs

Dash Overlay by Crown Automotive and Other Jeep Parts and Jeep Accessories by 4 Wheel Drive Hardware-RH2


Dash Overlay by Crown Automotive and Other Jeep Parts and Jeep Accessories by 4 Wheel Drive Hardware-RH2

I have one of the centra pod enclosures, it's cool, but it's a PITA with a T-18 tranny. It doesn't fit really well and I have to take it out in the winter to use the heater. I'm looking at getting some marine speakers to shove up in the dash somewhere.
Thanks guys. I ordered the Kentrol SS cover and the Centrapod.
I'm also looking for a guage cover for my CJ. Let us know how easy it was to install. Taking those knobs/controls off can be a pain, so I'm wondering if we can just cut the old gauge cover off, or if we need to remove the knobs/controls to install that Kentrol guage cover.
If you have the old plastic cover, it will just break and peel off. A little WD-40 on a rag will remove the sticky residue.

The replacement covers lay right over the dash with no need to remove your heater knobs or gauges. If you have a custom radio that you cut the existing dash to install, then you might have a problem.

For the stainless steel cover, it is held in place by 4 screws. On my replacement dash, I had to drill the holes (which is very easy to do because the cover is held in place by the heater controls and gauges).

I suggest using some silicon on the back of the cover to keep it from rattling from road vibration and speakers.
Man, I love that SS dash Bullseye. :drool:

The Kentrol SS cover I ordered required me to remove the knobs from the controls (wiper and 3 heaters). No real problem, they super glue'd back on but since then I just replaced the cables and switch since the new cover made them look horrible.

Also, if you have a DIN radio, be prepared to trim the cover to fit. Other than that, its easy - just 3 holes. The lower right on mine is held by the radio.

The best truly screw-on cover I've seen is the one from NCM. Nothing needs to be removed but its twice the price and I didn't like how the dash shows through the control and radio holes.

Hope this helps. Thanks.
Bullseye, this a really nice dash setup. Great job!
Hate to revive such an old post but this is where my search landed...

What are the outside dimensions on the OEM dash overlay? Are the aftermarket ones the same size or do they very slightly?

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