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Getting the old decals off and New ones on

Getting the old decals off and New ones on


1986 CJ7 Laredo
2006 Toyoa Land Crusier
What have you done to remove the 20 plus year old decals and how hard was it to install the new ones ?

Thanks in advance
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Try goo gone for the removal:
Goo Gone Automotive Cleaner 1oz:Amazon:Automotive
Spray it on and let it soak and just peel it off using a scratch proof paddle find them in the paint and body section.
Install all depends on the type, most installs involve a little soapy water misted on slide the decals on position then then squeegee the water and air out.
Do try the goo gone on a small well hidden part of your paint before going hog wild with it. That stuff can be pretty nasty. I have successfully used a heat gun, very carefully.
Putting new decals on can be very interesting. You really just get one shot at that one.:D

I guess me and brock are using different kinds of decals. I have not seen water used with vinyl decals, but I may not have been paying attention.
As for putting on the new ones, I have used a spray mist or even windex on the area before applying the decal and it allows you to position your decal perfect before you squegee it down with a plastic application tool or credit card. Let it air dry and don't freek out if you have a few air bubbles or spots that didnt seem to stick right away, the sticker will breath and the bubbles will dissapear.
Some sticker/decal manufactures will sell an application kit that will consist of a plastic squegee and a liquid solution like windex?
The other way is to fold back half of the backing part of the decal and then carefully possition the half with backing on still and then stick down the uncovered half followed by removing the rest of the backing and applying the second half at the same time, one shot here though.
I guess I will have to try the Windex thing. I have always used the masking tape,flip up and remove backer technique.:cool:
Go to your auto parts or paint store and look for a decal removal wheel to put in your drill. The wheel material is similar to that of a pencil eraser and will remove the decal without harming the paint.

3M Stripe Off Wheel

I used one 5" wheel to remove the factory vinyl stripe on my 78 Cherokee and it worked great.
Decal place called Phoenix Graphics said don't use water on them if there vinyl.It will cause them to lift at the edges.Masking tape them on to align them.Then stick them on.
Without a doubt, the easiest way to remove any decal.
the wheel is the way to go.
I tried the goo-gone and heat gun...not so good.
a friend told me to try the pin stripe removal wheel and it worked great!
I removed the Renegade stripes and lettering off my hood and down the sides.
cost about $40 at local o'reilly's but worth every penny!
good luck..
the wheel is the way to go.
I tried the goo-gone and heat gun...not so good.
a friend told me to try the pin stripe removal wheel and it worked great!
I removed the Renegade stripes and lettering off my hood and down the sides.
cost about $40 at local o'reilly's but worth every penny!
good luck..

I removed my Renegade stickers with one. Took about 15 minutes to do the whole jeep.
Try WD 40, it works better than anything I have ever seen. Found that out when removing the 3M tape on my window vents. Just spray it on, let it sit for a minute, and wipe it of. Works like a champ.
Well that was a mess. I only did the hood. Goo gone did not work, nor did WD 40 and a heat gun. The decals are baked into the paint from 20 plus years of Arizona heat. I used the eraser wheel and I must have gone too fast. Not there is yellow eraser scuffs all over the place. I have to polish out the hood now to get that off. The eraser worked great though

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