HEI Distributor

HEI Distributor


Shady Shores, TX
Did a search for them in this forum and did not find or I searched wrong. Looking to replace the stock distributor. Looking at an HEI style, which ones to avoid? There are so many different ones that claim they are HEI but all look different and prices are all over the place. I am also considering and MSD style but they cost so much more. Anyone have experience with the less expensive HEI units vs the high end MSD?
Honest truth...

The Chinese knock offs will have bearing / electronic problems.

Stick with name brands (Mallory / MSD)... You won't be left in the woods with a dead CJ... There is very good reason why the distributors the sell are $300 vs the $50 from the Ebay Quadratac :dung:...

Distributors - SummitRacing.com
Thanks for the link, found Summit on google, looks like they will be getting a chunk of change from me soon....
You will be doing your self a favor... The Chinese knock offs use terrible electronics and the bearing supports are bad.

The lower supports just degrade - not fun when your out 50 miles from home. :)
Yes I have been in that situation with an ATV after blowing a belt at a Muddy Gras event. Sucks to get way out in the "swap" and blow something.
Which one to get?? Damn there are so many choices and I am confused lol any advise on which one to get from Summit?
I've used two different ones in my 78 CJ5 AMC 304 and both worked well. First I used the Davis Unified Ignition (DUI) and then for unique reasons I put in the following Mallory from Summit.

Mallory Ignition 8560001C - Mallory 85 Series HEI Distributors - Overview - SummitRacing.com

I did other things to my engine at the time I switched (different exhaust etc) so I can't say one appears better than the other. They both work well. The Mallory does not come with the gear so make sure you get the proper one.

Good luck - Curt
What I like about the DUI distributor is that it uses GM HEI parts. If you need a new distributor cap, rotor or coil you can get them at any automotive parts store.
I'm running a lower priced HEI - same parts as a GM. So what if a bushing goes out. They are easy to replace. My factory points dist bushing failed too.

Talk with someone who owns one with some miles on it. See what they say.

Wheeling with a buddy that had big bucks in a MSD system, it failed, he didn't know where to start looking. He got towed. Not saying they are bad, but keep it simple.

You will love the hotter spark and easier starts!
Just because it is an American based company doesn't mean the parts are made in the US.

Car, tractor and too many other 'US' companies are buying parts from Mexico, Japan, China and God forbid - Canada.

Even Harley uses Japanese components. Why? Because if they didn't they would be nonprofitable and fade away. Then we could all buy offshore cars etc. People used to laugh at 'made in Japan'. Who's laughing now? Where are your clothes made? Read the label. Where did your cell phone and TV come from?

Time to wake up - this is a 'Global' ecomomy today. Until the wages in China and elsewhere go to a higher level it won't stop. Where did your computer come from. . .

Bet you go to Walmart too. I do.
As I said - I didn't want to start a war...

"Time to wake up - this is a 'Global' ecomomy today. Until the wages in China and elsewhere go to a higher level it won't stop."

The above quote speaks volumes!

"Bet you go to Walmart too. I do."

No - I do not and will not shop at Wallmart! I'll spend my money else where! I support the local economy - but I'm financially secure enough that I can do that. I understand that others are not in my position and cannot make the same choices. :)

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