How to get banned from the local Hardware store
Senior Jeeper
Yesterday, my son and I decided we would use the Durabak bed liner we had left over from his YJ project to line the bed of the new pickup. Problem was, the Durabak was white in color and we wanted something darker for the pickup.
So off to Ace Hardware we went and asked the paint department manager if we could tint the Durabak black. He said it would turn out a medium to dark gray, depending on how it mixed. Not a problem we thought as the truck is Silver.
So he mixed in ounces of tint with the Durabak and stirred it together. (Can said contents under pressure, don't shake, so we hand stirred). No problem, nice shade of gray.
Puts the lid on the can and starts to do something on the computer while we wait. About 3 minutes later, an extremely loud POP and the lid of the can goes about 4 or 5 feet into the air!!!
Out of the can is coming a strange gray foaming mixture that is literally growing as it comes out. It is all over the counter, the floor, the rack by the counter and lots of other things.
Grab the can and put it into a trash can sitting there. It continues to foam and grow and fill the garbage can as well, before someone gets the good idea to throw the entire garbage can into the dumpster.
1 1/2 hours later of 4 of us cleaning up the gray foamy mess, you can barely tell that we were in Ace. Except for the lack of any reference materials on the paint counter, no wax on the floor in front of the counter, and no trash can.
Public Service part of this? Don't mix paint tint with Bedliner. Has a wild chemical reaction!!
So off to Ace Hardware we went and asked the paint department manager if we could tint the Durabak black. He said it would turn out a medium to dark gray, depending on how it mixed. Not a problem we thought as the truck is Silver.
So he mixed in ounces of tint with the Durabak and stirred it together. (Can said contents under pressure, don't shake, so we hand stirred). No problem, nice shade of gray.
Puts the lid on the can and starts to do something on the computer while we wait. About 3 minutes later, an extremely loud POP and the lid of the can goes about 4 or 5 feet into the air!!!
Out of the can is coming a strange gray foaming mixture that is literally growing as it comes out. It is all over the counter, the floor, the rack by the counter and lots of other things.
Grab the can and put it into a trash can sitting there. It continues to foam and grow and fill the garbage can as well, before someone gets the good idea to throw the entire garbage can into the dumpster.
1 1/2 hours later of 4 of us cleaning up the gray foamy mess, you can barely tell that we were in Ace. Except for the lack of any reference materials on the paint counter, no wax on the floor in front of the counter, and no trash can.
Public Service part of this? Don't mix paint tint with Bedliner. Has a wild chemical reaction!!