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I think I broke it...

I think I broke it...
First off I am glad to see that you are ok! So how did the estimate come out on the zombie hunter?
I'm very happy that I'm okay. Got a good bruise on my left thigh where the window crank was, but other than that good to go.

The adjuster estimated about $3,700 in repairs (plus the $500 deductible) but the shop hasn't even managed to do their inspection yet, so that number might change.
Wow just seen this,First and foremost glad your OK. Second don't settle for what the adjusters throw at you and take it to your choice of repair shops because they will try to use their substandard shops to save money. And good luck.
Well the body shop says it'll be ready in a few days.
They are finishing up then it's down to the tire shop for tires,
they are replacing the zombie sticker btw, then it's back to us.
Long enough for me to pull the stock tires and get bigger ones,
and possibly a long arm suspension kit, yet to be decided on.
It's got a 4" short arm but the Transmission /Transfer Case drop isn't cool.
glad to hear your ok. it sound like it will be back on the road in no time. i told my wife i wanted to trade my accord in for a rubby but she wont let me :(
glad your ok. sounds like it will be back on the road in no time.
What you do is point all the bads of your current ride and the good of a new ride.
You live in OH, and driving the accord in the snow is a PITA.
It's much safer for you 2 to ride in the Rubi, what do you do during a
real bad snow if you need to get out and about. Not to mention resell value,
my '06 is valued at $22k. LOL, Plus my wife loves her's and wouldn't trade it for anything.
What you do is point all the bads of your current ride and the good of a new ride.
You live in OH, and driving the accord in the snow is a PITA.
It's much safer for you 2 to ride in the Rubi, what do you do during a
real bad snow if you need to get out and about. Not to mention resell value,
my '06 is valued at $22k. LOL, Plus my wife loves her's and wouldn't trade it for anything.

Uh huh. You remember that when I'm asking you for help fixing things on my Jeep and that it isn't that same as "Here, would you take over for me?"

But, I got it back now so yays! :D
Uh huh. You remember that when I'm asking you for help fixing things on my Jeep and that it isn't that same as "Here, would you take over for me?"

But, I got it back now so yays! :D
those body shops are a joke dont settle for less than new panels and a new door none of these guys seem to be trained in metalwork or they wouldnt ever need to use bondo my ex had an accident in a new vehicle and when i see them repairing it i went ballistic and charged them for the damage they did to a brand new vehicle adding bondo to it

i fixed the vehicle myself and gave the insurence check to my ex for the kids and i never used any bondo on it
It's been long fixed the right way.
Here's how it sits today only dirtier, LOL.

thats a nice jeep does the mrs let you drive it ??
LOL, on occasion.

It's funny a guy looked at her and said pssh mall crawler,
I caught up with him later and told him, any time he wants to take his stocker and follow her through her favorite place to get muddy just let me know.
I also said I saw you getting your new tube bumper put on at the local 4x4 shop.
Pulled out a picture of her spinning a wrench on her own jeep putting on her own bumpers and said what now asshole.

She hates being looked at as a mall crawler, maybe that's why she keeps it muddy....hmmmmm
LOL, on occasion.

It's funny a guy looked at her and said pssh mall crawler,
I caught up with him later and told him, any time he wants to take his stocker and follow her through her favorite place to get muddy just let me know.
I also said I saw you getting your new tube bumper put on at the local 4x4 shop.
Pulled out a picture of her spinning a wrench on her own jeep putting on her own bumpers and said what now asshole.

She hates being looked at as a mall crawler, maybe that's why she keeps it muddy....hmmmmm
youre a lucky man my ex took a day of work if she broke a nail :confused: im a full believer that if a women can drive she should be able to do maintainance to her own vehicle if shees in the country where theres no phone reception and gets a flat tire she should be able to change it
your a lucky man my ex took a day of work if she broke a nail :confused: im a full believer that if a women can drive she should be able to do maintenance to her own vehicle if shes in the country where theres no phone reception and gets a flat tire she should be able to change it

agreed! my wife changes her own oil brakes and tires. she knows enough to get around if im not there to help her with the big stuff. i think she is as excited about the rebuild of the cj as i am!:D

and glad that you are safe and the rubi wasnt a total loss. that will be my next vehicle after i pay of the mustang. i have honestly thought about trading it for a 06 or newer rubi but couldnt live with my self if i did. maybe ill just spend my reenlisment bonus on it...
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Missy may not be able to change a set of brake pads, but when a Jeep project is going on she is there next to me geeting tools, hanging in there grabbing parts or turning a wrench where needed. I really like that. Last weekend we swapped th tires from the6 to the 5 that was a chore but she was there rolling tires and working the jack. Oh yea she also chased beers twice. And just call her Rubi a mall crawler and it is on,,.....
Missy may not be able to change a set of brake pads, but when a Jeep project is going on she is there next to me geting tools, hanging in there grabbing parts or turning a wrench where needed. I really like that. Last weekend we swapped th tires from the6 to the 5 that was a chore but she was there rolling tires and working the jack. Oh yea she also chased beers twice. And just call her Rubi a mall crawler and it is on,,.....

lol i forgot that one there most important job of the build! everyone has a rubi and it makes me want one more. too bad the wife wants a outback i tried talkin Amber into a jeep but she "only likes the old ones like what you and your mom and dad have" gotta love a cj!
Missy may not be able to change a set of brake pads, but when a Jeep project is going on she is there next to me geeting tools, hanging in there grabbing parts or turning a wrench where needed. I really like that. Last weekend we swapped th tires from the6 to the 5 that was a chore but she was there rolling tires and working the jack. Oh yea she also chased beers twice. And just call her Rubi a mall crawler and it is on,,.....
Baja, sounds like you have a very good wife,one who chases beers for you
thanks guys
Her ex did not do anything under a hood, not even check oil. Right after we met I had to rip and engine out of my 83 hilux and put in a new one. Did it by myself on a Saturday and she was there that day watching in amazement as I turned wrenches and disconnect this and that. That evening as I was tuning up the new 22r she was on the phone bragging to her mom and sister she had found a real man. I was laughing to myself at what could impress a woman. I was head to toe grease about to destroy the inside of a washer at the laundramat,(don't think I would wash that at home do you) and she is beaming cause I can fix an engine? But she feels totally confident riding around in the woods in one of the oldest jeeps out there knowing we will get home under our own power. She also amazes the guys when we are doing a trail repair on one of the rigs on trail that day and I ask for a 9/16ths socket on a half inch drive with a 3 inch extension and before they can reach in the tool bag to get it she is handing it down asking if I need that backed up with a air rachet hooked up to my on board air system. She will correct the guys with pulling out the impact sockets for air tools instead of the regular, puts the tools back in the organised places for them, can get a hand all greasy helping and knows exactly when beers need to be refreshed while back in camp. She is a Jewel for sure.
Glad you're ok. As far as the damage, It looks pretty minimal to me. A new door, top, and some minor body work.

I second coldwater, looks like surface damage but them again I have seen about the same damage to the rear of a TJ and they totaled it???? Go figure.

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