If you could build anything you wanted
Old Time Jeeper
I have to agree with the Diesel guys. Not a cummins, though, too many weight issues, unless you were doing the square tube frame, and even then a 4BT would be the best. There are plenty of smal, light 4 cylinder diesels out there. A wrecked Liberty with the 2.8 and the full drivetrain, a newer Grand Cherokee with the 3.0, any of the VW diesels would work. That would be my direction: great longevity of the motor, way better fuel economy, and more torgue than a comparable size motor. I love the look of the truck you chose, and would do my best to keep it as close to stock look as possible on the body. 33's to 35's would be the most ideal for a street friendly ride. I think I would have to put a soft top on it myself, though, love being able to see the blue skies above my head when it's nice. Coils all around, no remote resovior, though, IMO they are not needed for this. Solid hidden recovery points. That would be a good starting point.