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Jeep Hardtop Problem

Jeep Hardtop Problem


Morven, NC
72 CJ5, 73 CJ5, 78 CJ7, 79 CJ7, 85 CJ7
:confused: Hi, I have a 1985 CJ7 ,I bought a factory used hardtop for it but I can't get it to fit. When the top is in the right position on the windsheild and back of jeep it is 1" or 2" in high at the doors. When it sits flush on the jeep it hangs off the back 2". Can the top warp? Thanks Grant
I've never heard of one warping that bad, it is fiberglass after all. Have you tried adjusting your windshield to make it fit? You know, take out the windshield retainers and move the windshield back and forth?
Does the top have curved opening or a straight opening (where the windshield seals)?
2 inches off? is it possible you have an early cj tub?
More than likely not, many things changed on the CJ5 over the years it was built, windshields, wheelbase, etc. Post up pics and pics with the hard top in both situations on the top so we can analize it a bit please
Its a CJ7
Did you take the strip off the windshield for the softop/bikini top. That would make it sit higher but not hang off the back.
The strip for the bikini top is off, the top curves over the windshield. The jeep is an 85, The top was supposed to be off an 78. I will post pictures as soon as I can. Thanks Grant
The strip for the bikini top is off, the top curves over the windshield. The jeep is an 85, The top was supposed to be off an 78. I will post pictures as soon as I can. Thanks Grant
We need to clarify something...

Is the top of the windshield straight or curved? This is a pre 76 windshield -->> Cj Left 1 - Jeep-CJ Gallery

And this a 76 and up -->> My Cj - Pics of new CJ Jeep-CJ Gallery

Notice how the 72 windshield is bowed at the top yet the 76 and up is straight...

Which one does your top look like it will fit?
I'm not so sure Brock. Looks like it (the front) is straight to me. I bet either the body or the top is tweaked.

Does the bottom of the top sit flat on the ground without any rocking?

Are the sides where the top locates on the body nice and straight?

Is your windshield pulled all the way back? If it is leaning forward the top will not fit correctly.
The reason I said that is look how narrow the top is compaired to the windshield frame. My buddies '69 is narrow compaired to my '79. But I'm not an expert on all the body changes jeep did.

It does seem to sit rather odd.
I just noticed something - It's definitely a later model windshield... The wiper motor is on the inside. :)
Hi, The top seems narrower than the jeep body but seems to fit the windshield. The sides of the body are pretty straight unless the body bows in the middle. Does anyone know the measurements of the early & later tops? Thanks for the help so far.

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