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JP magazine article what do you think

JP magazine article what do you think
unfortunately we are an exclusive and dwindling breed.

Not really. Stodgy old farts who hate new fangled technology are always around. :D :p As old generations die off, a new generation takes their place. In my grandfather's day, it used to be complaints about the new fangled electric starters and headlights replacing hand cranks and acetlyne lamps, and why did we ever have to replace magnetos that worked perfectly fine anyway... :chug:

But in the end, magazines are a business. They sell to the demographic that pays for subscriptions. To keep their business, they tell those masses what they want to hear.
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Not really. Stodgy old farts who hate new fangled technology are always around. :D :p As old generations die off, a new generation takes their place. In my grandfather's day, it used to be complaints about the new fangled electric starters and headlights replacing hand cranks and acetlyne lamps, and why did we ever have to replace magnetos that worked perfectly fine anyway... :chug:

But in the end, magazines are a business. They sell to the demographic that pays for subscriptions. To keep their business, they tell those masses what they want to hear.

In one of the Jeep clubs I was a member in for several years, I was one of 3 CJ's. The other 20-30 were TJ's with a couple of YJ's mixed in.

The two clubs Im currently involved in where I live now is no different. Out of a combined 55 club members, there are 4 CJ's

The consensus is all the same from the TJ owners: How can you drive that clapped out uncomfortable riding non-flexing Heep?!?

So yes, the market is geared towards more technologically advanced vehicles and so is the masses that buy them...hence the magazine publicity. There really aren't that many of us left in comparison. :(
This is my second CJ7 , had a 1980 Renegade , now have a 1983 Laredo . It has an engine, a Transmission , a rear, a front, a Transfer Case , and a place to sit.

The AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l is the most reliable engine I have ever had in a car, they run like champs.

I had a YJ too and it was OK but it didn't feel as sturdy and strong.

The best part is how easy it is to work on, no computer, etc. etc.

Point is friends and family think I'm crazy in my rough riding, loose driving Jeep but I don't care I love it. I have been a die hard CJ lover since I was 8 years old and that will never change.:D
Something happened when they changed writers a few years ago. It's either beating on a low buck Jeep or taking a showroom new JK out on the trail. Must be something about the California air?

The older CJ is what made the name JEEP. :D
This is my second CJ7 , had a 1980 Renegade , now have a 1983 Laredo . It has an engine, a Transmission , a rear, a front, a Transfer Case , and a place to sit.

The AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l is the most reliable engine I have ever had in a car, they run like champs.

I had a YJ too and it was OK but it didn't feel as sturdy and strong.

The best part is how easy it is to work on, no computer, etc. etc.

Point is friends and family think I'm crazy in my rough riding, loose driving Jeep but I don't care I love it. I have been a die hard CJ lover since I was 8 years old and that will never change.:D

And that's exactly how I like it. It takes me less time to do a motor swap on my CJ then it does to change a starter motor on a Nissan Pathfinder. :D
All have made some very good points. And it all comes down to the CJ owners being part of an elite group of people. Just like in anything that sparks the interest of people. We all have a biased opinion. Granted CJ owners are right and JP is obviously wrong J, but we all have our reasons why we love the things we love. Some like big girls, and some like high maintenance skinny girls. And not to offend anybody here, but I feel the same way about motorcycles. It should be an HD or stay off the road. Opinions are like ares holes, we all have one and they all stink….People are just jealous cause they can’t all drive a CJ! Bow to the CJ:chug:
If my 79 CJ5 is the worst jeep ever made....Then why in the first month of owning it have I had no less than 6 people at gas stations strike up conversation with me about it? telling me how cool it is and how "they knew someone who had one and they regret ever getting rid of it"... Whatever

I Love it!!!
I quit reading when they consider the srt8 wk a "jeep" in an off road rag...guess thats why I quit getting their rag years ago, idiots

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Have you ever gone through one of those rags and cut out just pertenent information? You would be surprised. I subscribe to one magazine only, AGA. American Gunsmithing Association, no advertising in it.
hey whats the reason the 76-86 CJ7 /5 made the list.

The AMC20 tubes are thin-2pc axles-thickness at splines, the carter carb eveyone complains about.

I drilled my venturi on my carter carb and have had no issues since (this was a factory recommendation (just like all the recommendations or recalls all the new Jeeps get). I beefed up my 20 with a truss and stitch welded, the axle shaft is weakest at the spline 1.17", the Dana 44 is 1.31". But the ring and pinion are bigger on the 20. Didn't matter for me, when I broke my axle I chipped off pinion teeth too. So I'm not too sure that one is significantly stronger than the other, if running standard one piece axles.

Whats funny though, is lots of JK crawlers want to get rid of their stock Dana 44 as the tubes bend easy. 30 years later, LOL!
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