I'm looking for one manufactured by Mopar. Several of the posts around the internet suggest the Mopar one is of superior quality. I had trouble with a RMS years ago, and am a little concerned about lower quality. You read stories of folks having to replace it three times before they got it right. Supposedly the Mopar one is less likely to leak upon installation, and has a longer life.
So I stopped by the Jeep Dealer and they didn't have one and said it is on back order but there are 5 Dealers that do have one and one of them has 4 so I will give you their name and phone # call them and see if you pay for it if they will send it to you if not I will try and go get it for you and send it here they are.
Colorado Jeep 303-341-4350
Centennial Jeep 303-790-9300 has 4
Fort Collins Dodge 970-267-5048
Elway Dodge 970-534-2031
Cowboy Dodge 302-634-5887
Let me know how it turns out.
mtnwhlr - Thanks for your help. I called centenial, and they were set up to ship it via ups w/o any special work. It was only a 5 minute phone call, and should be here this time next week. Thanks again!