Member step up time
Crazy Sr. Respected Jeeper
OK boys and girls. I see the membership list is growing a little everyday now, and CJ has been wrenching on the site getting it ready for everyone. Time for the members to start filling up the unused parts of the forum so that we can all get the best use and information from his hard work. At the top of the page are links to some very (potentially) useful information, if WE get them running. He created it, It's our job to make it work, that part is out of his hands. SO. I know damn well that JEEP people BUY LOTS OF "STUFF"! When you do, take a few minutes to review the product you bought. It WILL help another member! Lug nuts to engines, good or bad, let others know! Belong to a club? GO POST IT UP so others can see it, and maybe join up! Groups are a good place to meet other like minded members, Get in and create one for your specific needs. or join one! Great way to meet new folks and maybe make some new friends right in your own back yard. Have a favorite information or supply sight/ POST IT. Why keep it to yourself?
There's a link tab right up there for you! PICTURES...Lets see them! Everyone wants to see what you got yourself into this time! Start digging through that pile of jeep "stuff" that every one of us has hoarded up, and put them in the classifieds. you know someone would kill for that 1966 engine widgett that's impossible to find. And the chat room is always empty! WHY!! Take some time and make new friends in there. Where else can you strike up conversation with a jeeper 3000 miles away? Make a buddy, or just annoy the hell out of someone and run away,knowing they live too far away to leave a flaming poop bag on your doorstep
POINT IS, we are little fledgling pioneers here with a pretty cool opportunity to make our own site the way WE want it to be. (as long as our benefactor is happy with it) So lets start filling up the site to make it better for EVERYONE!!!