My flag proudly flies -

My flag proudly flies -


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
My flag proudly flies - as it did before and always will!



American and POW/MIA flag have flown in front of my house for over 25 years.

"For those who fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know."

Never surrender, never forget.


"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price,
bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe,
to assure the survival and the success of liberty."
John F. Kennedy


"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"

God bless the heros....
Does everyone remember where they were this day eight years ago? Do you remember what you were doing?

I was stationed at the Naval Air Station in Brunswick, ME. It's was early, I don't remember the time, and I was walking out of the lounge, in the air traffic control tower were I worked, I had grabbed a soda out of the fridge. The phone rang so I picked it up, it just happened to be my ex-wife (at the time we were still married) she told me something was going on I needed to turn on a TV. I walked over to the TV and turned it on, and saw the camera pointed at the first tower burning, I stood there and watched the second tower get hit. I told her that I knew I had to go, I dropped the phone and ran to my Division Officers office. The rest of that day was an insane flurry of activity. I could walk you through it like it happened yesterday.

The thing that a lot of people don't know, was before the terrorists boarded their seperate airplanes in Boston, they all left together from Portland, ME. Which is less than 30 minutes down I-95 from Brunswick. The base was on absolute lockdown for days. No one in or out.

I will never forget. :us:
I was in a cubicle, I was not in the position I am in now. I received a call from my Mother and from there on, I did nothing but watch streaming media via the internet. It just wasn't me but all my other co-workers.

I can remember that day as if happened just twenty four hours ago! I remember Rick sitting to my left, Dennis behind me and all the others! :us:
I got up scratched flipped on the TV sat down in my lazy boy looked at the towers and said man that plane if afully f-ing clo...........HOLY SH*% WTF!

An hour later I and 5 of my kin re-enlisted!
My flag is always flying at my house!

I lost a second cousin (Dad's cousin from Geneva, Al) on that tragic day. Carl was on the second plane that hit the towers.
I was in a meeting with AT&T telecomms in West Palm Beach when that happened.
I served 10 in the Navy as an Electronics Tech.
Does everyone remember where they were this day eight years ago? Do you remember what you were doing?

I will never forget. :us:

I was our for an early morning motorcycle ride with a very good friend of mine who I ride with all the time. At that time, he was active duty at Selfridge Air Base here in MI. He got the call to head to work cutting our ride short. Being on the bikes, had no idea what was going on until we reached the gate at the base. Normally, I would ride in with him, no problem. They stopped me at the gate and that was when we found out about it.
Went home and watched the coverage from there.
First, I want to thank all of you guys that have served in the military. Thank you.

Now... Where was I? Bubba was just over a year old. He had woken me up at 5, so we laid down on the couch and went back to sleep. When I woke up, the second plane was hitting. I sat there and cried. Then I called Stan. Then I called my mom and asked what was going to happen to my brother in law (he retired last month from the Air Force.) And I watched all of the news coverage I could for the rest of the day.

I avoided going to my parents house for about 2 weeks. I didnt even want to call there. My dad is a Vietnam vet with PTSD. And now he watches CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and any other news channel he can, all day long. He yells at the tv, and was yelling (and cussing) at Bush trying to tell him how to run the country and what the plan of attack should be. It was bad. Very bad.
As a fellow American, let me say, "AMEN!"
As the mother of a Marine, let me say, "Thank you!"

My son is a 23 year Marine, Machine Gunner. He came back from Iraq last year with a sound mind and body. He is soon to leave for Afghanistan. While no Mother wants her child in danger. I am so very proud that not only does he serve with honor, he believes in his country, his God, his Fellow Marines, his Country and his mission.

It brings tears to my eyes everytime someone honors our flag because I feel like they honor our Soldiers.

Thank You. God Bless
As a fellow American, let me say, "AMEN!"
As the mother of a Marine, let me say, "Thank you!"

My son is a 23 year Marine, Machine Gunner. He came back from Iraq last year with a sound mind and body. He is soon to leave for Afghanistan. While no Mother wants her child in danger. I am so very proud that not only does he serve with honor, he believes in his country, his God, his Fellow Marines, his Country and his mission.

It brings tears to my eyes everytime someone honors our flag because I feel like they honor our Soldiers.

Thank You. God Bless

Thank You for your sacrafice and your son for serving this great country! :patriot:
We all hope he returns safe and in sound mind & body!
Thanks to all who serve(d), their parents, wives and kids. We are forever in debt to those who paid the ultimate price for us to be as free as we are.:chug::notworthy:

On that day I was in the middle of my 40min drive to work when my buddy called and asked me what I was thinking about what was going on. I was confused because for some reason I had not turned on the radio in the car.
I worked in a clean-room at that time and as an equipment technician I had one of the only computers in the place. And definitely the only one with internet access. So, that day I left the internet open and every little while someone would walk by the screen and holler out an update for everyone if there had been any change.

Within a few weeks the same guy that called me that morning was getting ready to enlist. That got me talking to the recruiter but they wanted me and the EX to sign a wayver that I would not seek sole custody of my kids before letting me re-enlist. She thought I was up to something and did not sign (paranoid crackhead).

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