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My lack of activity

My lack of activity


Jeep-CJ.com Archive Master
Kathleen, GA
I'm back been out and about for awhile.
I had gall bladder surgery on Tues. things
went well, I'm sitting here all stapled up and
bandaged and what not. Feel pretty good.

The HYDROCODONE/ACETAMINOPHEN helps with the pain,
mostly burning from the lower of the 4 incisions.

So I'm back and doing well and I'll be tossing more info up
from my archives.

Hope everyone has a great 4th, be safe and watch out for
the idiots. :cool:
Glad to hear everything is going well for you.
Have a good 4th.
I am looking at this same adventure in the near future. How long are you going to be laid up? How long in the hospital?:cool:
Glad your healing up and getting back in action.
Know the feeling had back surgery in Feb, in month 5 of a 1 1/2 year recovery time.Take care of that back.Pain killers are great but boredom is worse
Get healed up quick
Have a good 4th and remember to thank a VET
Last edited:
I'm back been out and about for awhile.
I had gall bladder surgery on Tues. things
went well, I'm sitting here all stapled up and
bandaged and what not. Feel pretty good.

The HYDROCODONE/ACETAMINOPHEN helps with the pain,
mostly burning from the lower of the 4 incisions.

So I'm back and doing well and I'll be tossing more info up
from my archives.

Hope everyone has a great 4th, be safe and watch out for
the idiots. :cool:

I am glad you are doing ok. My gall bladder stopped working and they took mine 2 yrs ago. I hope your recovery goes well!

I am looking at this same adventure in the near future. How long are you going to be laid up? How long in the hospital?:cool:

Good luck :)

I was down for a week with mine, then I couldnt be laid up anymore because I had day camp with Bubba for scouts. Mine was a outpatient procedure.
good to see you back
yes after surgery to my tongue I can tell you the pain pills help, but man does it hurt anyway. Take it easy and get better.
I am looking at this same adventure in the near future. How long are you going to be laid up? How long in the hospital?:cool:

Had it done via laparoscopic gallbladder removal on Tues at noon and was up walking that evening, at home the same day. Now I'm back to work this Sat. they say not to lift more than 10lbs for 6 weeks so I walk alot and take it easy.

Best of luck with yours. :chug:

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