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My new redneck toy. *CAUTION* Not liberal friendly

My new redneck toy. *CAUTION* Not liberal friendly
And I'm still waiting for a post test accuracy and function report for that mini!

Been way to busy to shoot I am heading into town today and might hit wallymart for a few fishing lures and a box of .223. Will let you know by next week on the fire report.
I don't shoot much since I moved into a highly unfriendly state, so all but 2 weapons are oiled and packed away. I keep my M-4 in reach, and never leave the driveway without a CCW, a Kimber Pro Raptor II, And I train regularly on them both.
I'm the same way in CT. I have my Sig 229 in .40 S&W, a few .22's, but my .308, AK-47, and Tech-9 (it's fun, ok) are in Florida at my dad's house.
I still have a case of ammo for the AK, and shoot it when I go to Florida.
I still have some reloaded .40, and a bunch of brass.
When I was at Bremerton, WA, my buddy had his gun dealer license, and a lee reloader. I still have the .40 dies and probably some .50 brass also.
ohh the good ol' days! :)
No kidding....you better stay the hell away from diving too! I must have 10 k in dive gear as well. Why is it that EVERYTHING fun is !!!!!!$$$$$!!! :mad:

Agreed, everything fun is SUPER expensive. Between the Jeep, guns, climbing, and drinking, I can barely pay my mortgage!
Ozonetrooper and Old Dog, thanks for the links. Both were helpful! I'm still pretty new to the gun world, so any additional reading is welcome!

My "Bookmarks" link must have 100 websites saved, thanks to this site. Guns and Jeeps, does it get any better!
Ozonetrooper and Old Dog, thanks for the links. Both were helpful! I'm still pretty new to the gun world, so any additional reading is welcome!

My "Bookmarks" link must have 100 websites saved, thanks to this site. Guns and Jeeps, does it get any better!

I've gotta be on some "Right Wing Extremist List" now, lol!
Ozonetrooper and Old Dog, thanks for the links. Both were helpful! I'm still pretty new to the gun world, so any additional reading is welcome!

My "Bookmarks" link must have 100 websites saved, thanks to this site. Guns and Jeeps, does it get any better!

Um, women?
A distant third! My Jeep and Ruger may be as moody as a woman, but at least they rifle through my wallet looking for cash. I even tried keeping my bills in a secret sleeve of my wallet. The wife has a nose like a blood hound and even found that!!!

Good point though....women rate in the top five, lol.
A distant third! My Jeep and Ruger may be as moody as a woman, but at least they rifle through my wallet looking for cash. I even tried keeping my bills in a secret sleeve of my wallet. The wife has a nose like a blood hound and even found that!!!

Good point though....women rate in the top five, lol.

OOPS, I meant they DON"T rifle through my wallet. Although, the Jeep does drain my bank account like a champ!
I consider myself to be pretty liberal.. And i'm still extremely jealous of that. Have fun with it. :)

Well as a proud Limperal you might like to know that both Rosie O'Donnell and Diane Finestein pack heat.:p Guns are good safe fun.
Well as a proud Limperal you might like to know that both Rosie O'Donnell and Diane Finestein pack heat.:p Guns are good safe fun.

Problem is, It's just fine for those two <-BAD WORD-> clowns to carry. They just want to be sure that YOU don't have that same right. :censored:

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