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Need some paint help

Need some paint help


Jeep-CJ.com Moderator
Ketchikan, AK
82 CJ-7
Engine 258
Transfer case dana 300
I want to paint the 7 but the color I want to paint it is yellow but with the new brown soft top I dont think that it will look right. So I guess I have two questions.

First can you die the soft top?
Seconded if the top cant be died what color should I paint the 7 so it will look right?

Any help on this would be awesome!!
I have read a thread somewhere about dyeing the tops, it looked like a pain and did not come out even. How old is the top, Why I ask is you need to replace tops every so often and if it is 5 years old or more then maybe painting it the color you want and ordering a top of the color of your choice in a few yearsmay not be so bad. Most Jeeps are a work in progress anywya so a mismatch does not look bad for long. I would paint the color I wanted, after all get what you want, not a compromise you are not happy with, soon enough a new top will be needed and then you are happy.
Don't die the top it'll never look right. (IMO) How about a red or reddish orange, white or dark green. In red/orange you should only have about 1000 choices. If all else fails, ask you wife or girl friend. Women(most) are great with this color matching stuff.
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The soft top looks like it is new. It was sitting in storage for 3years and it was originally bought for my jeep. It is a best top and when I got it it had a black hard top. It was only on the jeep for about a year before it was sold to the person that I bought it from.

I will have to look up the tread about the top dieing.

I think the red would look OK. Your idea about the color from the wife is a good idea. I am trying to get her to do some photo shop on the picture of it so that I can look at different colors on it. I am looking for some pop in the color.

Thanks guys for the suggestions:notworthy:.
They make spray can fabric dye it's sold in the paint section at most auto stores.
I used it to go from gray to black. I've also heard Rit-dye can be used, just toss the whole top minus windows in the washer. The rit-dye will dye the plastic on the windows so don't toss them in.
what Brock said and you have a head start with the brown so your only going from dark to darker. Well depending on the color of brown.
I will look into the top die and the Rit-die. Now on the wife taking the Jeep she wont drive it due to the fact that it is a 4spd and there is a lot of hills on the island. She is afraid that she will roll back or kill the Jeep. That is not a bad thing now is it.

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