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Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
This forum is to be used to help each other out (thanks Brock for the suggestion)... Need help? Connect with each other here... :)
Anyone with aircraft or computer/sys. admin experience looking for work and has a clearance hit me up. I know of a couple companies hiring and can get you in touch with the right people.
why does it look so different then the other forums? Its like a Shrinky Dink if you can remember them. :D
Who the hell is running this place!!!!
Fire him! :)

I would, but we aint paying him :dung: as it is, and I don't know anyone crazy enough to take over. :D
Anyone know of jobs in KY, IL, TN, or Georgia!
Communication technician, computer tech, maint.

Thinking I'd like to get the hell out of NM, get back closer to family.
you should check into chattanooga, tn the new volkwagon plant will be up and running next year they are already hiring for it. with all of the automation and robots i'm sure there would be a place for you. and chatt. is right on the state line. good wheelin on aetna mtn too, and not a real big city like atl.
you should check into chattanooga, tn the new volkwagon plant will be up and running next year they are already hiring for it. with all of the automation and robots i'm sure there would be a place for you. and chatt. is right on the state line. good wheelin on aetna mtn too, and not a real big city like atl.
If you are looking for a good job enywere in the U.S go to your computer and googel usajobs and go to US Army Corps of Engineers they are always looking for qualified workers in maney different arieas welding, maintenance workers, machanics, lock & dam opperators, Deck hands and and meny other more tech. type jobs The resime prosses sucks but the jobs are great careers. The big thing is that they are federal employment jobs but what people dont realise that you DO NOT have to take a civle sirvice exam to get them They do give veterans prefrence but militery background is not required. CHECK IT OUT!!!!:notworthy:

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