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New off road club AK

New off road club AK


Jeep-CJ.com Moderator
Ketchikan, AK
82 CJ-7
Engine 258
Transfer case dana 300
We had our first Meet and greet for our new Off Road Club here in Ketchikan Alaska. Thanks to Whsprz (MR OX) for getting this started. I know it will be a long road getting a place to wheel on the Island but it is a start. Lot of ideas were presented and getting support from Prince of Wales off road was a big help.
We had our first Meet and greet for our new Off Road Club here in Ketchikan Alaska. Thanks to Whsprz (MR OX) for getting this started. I know it will be a long road getting a place to wheel on the Island but it is a start. Lot of ideas were presented and getting support from Prince of Wales off road was a big help.
That English guy wheels in AK! Holy :dung: !!!! :laugh:

Glad to hear that a new club is forming. Sounds like a good plan is in the works!
When you get it all straightened out we'll all come up in the summer :D. Glad to hear your getting started. Good luck with your progress.
I need to get Whsprz to fill out the the club info. I will get on him do do that I am just the little guy Hes the boss.:)
Any ideas or in site would be great seeing that we are just a baby.
here is a link to the site. http://www.ketchikanoffroad.com/ (I hope it works)
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^^^Hey susie, you forgot the link

I got the club link set up. Just got too busy this weekend to do it... So why not take care of it at work! :)
Hey JC,

Liz from Prince of Wales off Road Club. Hope things are going good with the new club. We had our 1st race of the season on the 31st. Had a great turn out total of 29 racers, quit a few stopped and went riding after and did some fishing:driving: (beautiful day for fishing and racing). Our next race day is June 13th, Lucas Oil on the Edge will be there filming we're hoping some of your club members will be able to make it. If you need places to stay or help finding campsites feel free to contact Barry or I anytime at powoffroad@hotmail.com and we will help anyway we can.
If you have any special events we would sure like to hear about them and maybe get a few of our members can come over there and enjoy the festivies.
Hope our weather continues to hold out like this all summer. Thanks, looking forward to hearing from you.

Secretary Prince Wales off Road Club

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