are you ready to do all the frame mods so you can fully box the frame to do a 4 link swap?, have you had an engineer design the geometry for it yet?, I have a friend who thought it would be so simple, he is on the third rebuild so far. he finally went and bought an automotive engineering software program and has found out that it is a lot more complicated than just buying arms and going for it.
Also are you prepared to redo the entire pedal system/linkage stuff to move them from in the way of your new driver side drive shaft?, Remember the 54 to 71
CJ5 had a pedal system that goes through the floor and hangs off the frame, using up the room on that side. You are going have to redo the system to get it to hang off the firewall and redo the brake and clutch to operate successfully.
I have a very serious question for you. Why do you want to do so much work on an early
CJ5 ? If you want a jeep with a 4 link, why not buy a TJ, the frame is already set up for the system, it is fully boxed and reinforced where needed, the axles are wide enough so the Jeep will not be flip prone. Oh yea once you take that narrow Jeep and set it as high as you need to to justify the expense you are going to go through, it will be flip prone.
We are dealing with a very short wheelbase and a very narrow track here. the entire reason the track and wheelbase of the modern Jeep is what it is, is so it can handle a modern suspension without flipping.
And, that is on road with a lift. Trust me I know it is no fun traveling down the road at 70 mph on your roll cage.
Plus, I do not think you have thought through how much money you are about to spend when you start to embark on this project. Every piece of drivetrain you buy will need to be rebuilt, possibly regeared, and if you are going through the effort for all of this, axles locked. you are going either be very good at welding or know someone who will spend a few weeks under that jeep to set it up correct and then you will need to engineer a lot of stuff that ends up in the way because of the extreme changes you are doing. those axles you are talking about are 48 and 30 years old, if you do no completely tear them down to housing and rebuild you are just asking for a failure, rusted bearing surfaces, worn races, upgrading yoke sizes. And then your Tcase, Used? 2311 will require a lot of mods, only 241 you will find short enuff for that jeep will be the 241OR from a Rubicon, any other will need to be adapted in the exit shaft. and what about adapting it to the existing tranny? Remember that is an extremely short Driveline. We
CJ5 guys have dreams of just an extra 2 inches so we can have a 4 speed.
My suggestion for you is to rebuild the Jeep stock and have a killer looking street Jeep that can take medium trails, go find a used TJ if you want 4 link or an YJ if you want to go SOA and build them. You will end up with a much better trail jeep that will have the length and width to do as you want.
What I fear you are about to do is start one of those projects that end up on craigs list, all parts are there, I lost intrest, you can put this together as the badest CJ ever with just a little help, and finally ending up as, parting out old CJ.
Good Luck