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Off Road Trailer

Off Road Trailer


Senior Jeeper
Ground up YJ.

Looking to get a CJ
In this thread

I posted a picture of my trailer. BrockGrimes was kind enough to comment and asked for some additional information.

The box is roughly 4 x 6. Made out of 2 x 2 x .188.
Tongue is a length of 4 x 4 x .250. Made it long enough so that the trailer can go 90* to the Jeep.
Axle is rated at 3,000 lbs and features 5 on 5.5 hubs to match the Jeep. XJ springs with an additional leave. Running in a SOA fashion. Perches, mounts, shackles etc all came from RuffStuff. Chevy P30 delivery van shocks were the shortest I could find. 37 inch MT/R`s on matching beadlocks (don`t tell CJ ;)) with the Jeep.

Cut all the steel to length and took it to a local trailer manufacturing company. They had the jigs to weld it up straight and square.

Used a hitch from Lock-n-Roll
Lock N' Roll Trailer Hitches

The :censored:YJ:censored: Is "painted" 360* with Speedliner bed liner. Took the trailer frame plus the side panels and had them sprayed to match.

Did the floor with cedar and three lengths of Uni Strut. The Uni Strut has elongated holes that allow things to be tied down to the floor with straps.

Also used Uni Strut on the bed rails and the cross supports for the top.

Wired up LED lights and made up a little power center. The power center has a couple plug in the main box and also GM weather Pack outlets at the tailgate. Used a big deep cycle battery. It will run the `fridge and lighting all weekend long. Mounted a voltmeter in the main box to monitor battery voltage. LED`s tell which circut is on. Military waterproof toggle switches are used.

A sheet of marine grade 3/4 ply was also sprayed with the Speedliner. An aluminum sheet protects the surface. 1 inch diameter tubing makes up a rack that is sized for 3 storage bins.

A couple of angle iron rectangles were cut and welded to mount a pair of waterproof toolboxes on the top of each fender. Not shown is the hold downs for each box.

90* degrees

Top of the trailer is the same height as the tub on the Jeep. An older picture taken before the beadlocks were installed all around. Plus the trailer was far from done at this point.

Future plans include an on board pressurized water system and a couple more storage ideas.

Thanks for looking !!
Very nice John! That is one of the cleanest and most utilitarian trailer I have seen :chug:
I still have yet to see this in person. Either I need to get out more, or I am just always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Do like how it is turning out though.

Only thing I would do differently is paint it dark green, and put it behind a certain CJ7 that I am thinking of.

I need to make it out to one of the Friday lunches :D

Thanks for the kind words :)

See from a couple threads you got the beast CJ7 running again. How about posting up some specs of that nasty 401 ? :cool:
Only thing I would do differently is paint it dark green, and put it behind a certain CJ7 that I am thinking of.

It would also look good in desert camo. :D
I like the trailer!!!!! I was wondering what type of hitch are you using on the trailer??:chug::chug:
I need to make it out to one of the Friday lunches :D

Thanks for the kind words :)

See from a couple threads you got the beast CJ7 running again. How about posting up some specs of that nasty 401 ? :cool:

Thanks John, yeah finally got it back on the road (sort of). Still have to finish getting the brakes 100% and need to replace the exhaust. The motor detonation caused the mufflers to look like ballpark franks! Plumped right up, and sound like they are an open manifold system. Will get some info up on the 401 soon.

Don't make the lunches to look for me. I haven't made one in quite a while, busy with a lot of things.

Did you keep the build dimensions on the trailer John? Was curious as I may try to do something like it this year, not as fancy, but a good working/hauling setup.

How much do you think you have into it if I may ask (might have seen it somewhere, but can't remember). The price of M416's is crazy right now.
Thanks John, yeah finally got it back on the road (sort of). Still have to finish getting the brakes 100% and need to replace the exhaust. The motor detonation caused the mufflers to look like ballpark franks! Plumped right up, and sound like they are an open manifold system. Will get some info up on the 401 soon.

Don't make the lunches to look for me. I haven't made one in quite a while, busy with a lot of things.

Did you keep the build dimensions on the trailer John? Was curious as I may try to do something like it this year, not as fancy, but a good working/hauling setup.

How much do you think you have into it if I may ask (might have seen it somewhere, but can't remember). The price of M416's is crazy right now.

I have the dimesions written down somewhere. The outside of the box is like 47 wide x 70 ish. IIRC the inside height is 20 inches.

Right now it is on jackstands all wrapped up in tarps for the winter. Soon as the weather breaks I can get hard measurements. Or if you prefer, swing by the house.

Track is right about 61-62 inches. With 4 inch BS wheels it matches the Jeep.

Cost, pretty close with these numbers.

The steel came from CL. 100 bucks which I thought was a pretty good deal.

Trailer place charged 200 to weld it up and bend/attach the fenders.

Same place made up the axle. So steel, hubs, bearings etc AMC 150

Springs came from Tippy. No charge.

Perches, shackles, shocks 125.00

Have to look to see what the Lock-n-Roll hitches are going for now.

Little BS items. Steel for the inner fender panels, lighting, chains etc. 100

675 as written. Add paint (to big a variable to price out) and a few other things I missed.......750 +/- as shown.

Had the wheels and tires so that was a wash.

The m416 and m101 (Canadian) are rather pricey these days!

Man, you are so right on that. Cannot believe the prices people are asking for these trailers right now. And even rotted out, hacked up ones are going for big $$.
Hey John, what is the name of the place that built the axle on this for you? Thinking of getting started on one and going to compare building an axle like you did, to purchasing an axle maybe from Tractor Supply.
Hey John, what is the name of the place that built the axle on this for you? Thinking of getting started on one and going to compare building an axle like you did, to purchasing an axle maybe from Tractor Supply.

J&J Trailers
2915 Coleman Rd.
Kimball, Mi.

I-69 and Wadhams road area. Few miles West of Port Huron. Not a bad drive.

You running 5 on 5.5 bolt pattern ? Not sure if TSC will have that.

J&J can set you up any way you want.
J&J Trailers
2915 Coleman Rd.
Kimball, Mi.

I-69 and Wadhams road area. Few miles West of Port Huron. Not a bad drive.

You running 5 on 5.5 bolt pattern ? Not sure if TSC will have that.

J&J can set you up any way you want.

Very cool, thanks John. Not a bad drive at all really.

I would like to put 5 on 5.5 on the trailer, but my partner in crime, TJ, seems to think it should be 5 on 4.5 for some strange reason. :D
haha thats the nicest trailer i have ever seen and i have been looking for a long time. see if that thing will float with those big tires on it haha
RJ, did J&J meet your needs ?

haven't got the chance to call them yet. Did contact the other party we have been discussing, but right now, no chance to start on the trailer.

I will let you know

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