I can see why the question keepsbeing asked about the dust cap and the crappy ones.
Most people do not know what 1 piece axles are, and think 2 piece means in the shafts.
So I will explain,
in one piece axles the hub and the axles are one piece, either pressed on or a solid piece. in other axles the shaft and the hub are 2 pieces, held together with thrust washers and a nut. the problem is they are either splined or have a shear pin or some thing like that . they can shar the pin and then you have a free turning axle not engaging the hub, and that is common if abused. If the unit is one piece you have to physically break an axle shaft to get the same turning.
Fly in the ointment is full floating axles which can look similar to 2 piece set up but are actually preferable above 1 piece because of strength issues of the inner shaft.
So If you see a dust cap, simply pop it off, and if it has a nut and you see a pin in there, then it is a 2 piece axle, if it is flat and has no dust cap then it is a flanged axle, and if it has 6 bolts, or looks like a big dust cap, it could be a full floater.
hope that helps.