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Full Time Jeeper
What ever happened to the days of bandaids? I think that I either missed this time period in Bubba's life. He must have either been too sick (asthma) or it just doesnt exist anymore.

Now, I know I try as a parent. But I also know that I am not that good at it. I make such a glorious aunt though.

For Bubba's first birthday, we got him one of those Fisher Price tricycles, where the wheels are backwards (two in the front, one in the back.) And on his first outing, he flipped over the handle bars and landed on his face. That should have been a bandaid day. But no, he bloodied his mouth and it wouldnt stop. A trip to the ER, and they told me that he ripped that little flap of skin between top lip and gums. That was just the beginning.

Since then, we have gone to the ER for 2 sets of stitches, a bruised side, bloody (or so we thought for a week) poo, and all kinds of asthma incidents.

Where are the bandaids? I know where they are, only because I work around them in the medicine cabinet so I can get to the big stuff, like the ace bandage, motrin and benadryl.

I have used bandaids in the past 8 years. Bubba has used 1. And I should have taken him to the ER. He was practicing his knife skills (trying to get his chip in scouts) and he stabbed himself in the hand. I got out one of those bandaids that pulls it shut (I am not a bandaid expert, and had I been, I would be out of practice.)

Can anyone tell me what happened to the bandaids?
Sorry Suzie its my eldest daughter she takes them all the time. She thinks they are something to play with. We find them stuck everywhere.
Mine are to busy on the computer and X box to need them :mad:
I make Bubba go outside and play. Maybe I should make him become fat and lazy and never play out there again.... Can we say Bubble Boy?
Boys hurt them selves, it is what they do. Moms take boys to the E room and they don't pass out until the Dr. is actually in the room looking at the boy, it's what Moms do.
At least that’s the way my Mom did it. So I figure that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
Susie, from the sound of it, Bubba has surpassed his bandaid stage, and progressed into the next level of injuries. My eldest is very similar, broken nose, 14 stictches in his ankle, thanks to hockey--which has caused a substantial number of other trips to the doctor, x-rays galore. Sounds like he is just at that point. Just enjoy it, and if he isn't crying to hard, just keep pressure on it until it stops squirting, haha.:D
my five year old daughter should have stock in bandaids. she is always doing something to need them.
What ever happened to the days of bandaids? I think that I either missed this time period in Bubba's life. He must have either been too sick (asthma) or it just doesnt exist anymore.

Now, I know I try as a parent. But I also know that I am not that good at it. I make such a glorious aunt though.

For Bubba's first birthday, we got him one of those Fisher Price tricycles, where the wheels are backwards (two in the front, one in the back.) And on his first outing, he flipped over the handle bars and landed on his face. That should have been a bandaid day. But no, he bloodied his mouth and it wouldnt stop. A trip to the ER, and they told me that he ripped that little flap of skin between top lip and gums. That was just the beginning.

Since then, we have gone to the ER for 2 sets of stitches, a bruised side, bloody (or so we thought for a week) poo, and all kinds of asthma incidents.

Where are the bandaids? I know where they are, only because I work around them in the medicine cabinet so I can get to the big stuff, like the ace bandage, motrin and benadryl.

I have used bandaids in the past 8 years. Bubba has used 1. And I should have taken him to the ER. He was practicing his knife skills (trying to get his chip in scouts) and he stabbed himself in the hand. I got out one of those bandaids that pulls it shut (I am not a bandaid expert, and had I been, I would be out of practice.)

Can anyone tell me what happened to the bandaids?
Sus, the closing band-aid is a 'butterfly' bandage... :) I have been the owner of many of those over my life time. As for the bad-aid effect, not sure but I bet that much has to do how we treat our children now...

I have a huge scar on my left ankle where I was run over by an outboard engine (boat), I had to suck it up till the stiches were in...

Not a good day - for sure!

Give Bubba a chance - He will use all the band-aids you can supply! :)
Boys hurt them selves, it is what they do. Moms take boys to the E room and they don't pass out until the Dr. is actually in the room looking at the boy, it's what Moms do.
At least that’s the way my Mom did it. So I figure that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

You need to meet my eldest daughter I,ve had her in the ER more for sprains, and injuries than my eldest son
Everybody say it with me now:
"Kids will be kids" mine have spent more time in the ER than the docs, but that is what keeps them healthy. I hate it when i hear that a kid spends all their time on the computer or X-box because first they learn some mean and bad stuff that way. I am sorry if anybody here has kids that way but i see the effects of what kind of attitude they have from this kind of upbringing.
So with that being said let the flaming begin I'm prepared :biggun:
And Susie your doing fine...;)
Bubba has been grounded from everything electronic for over a month. And he will be grounded thru the summer, just so I can keep him active. If he has a choice, he will pick wii or the computer over going outside. We have no kids in the immediate area. He has to go 2 or 3 blocks to find any in his age group. He has to take his phone (a firefly) with him so if he needs me, he can call me :) Or his dad. Only :)

And at Easter, my sister in law was putting a bandaid on her daughters knee, I told her that I dont have bandaid days, I get trips to the ER. She called me yesterday, and she asked about Bubba. And after I told her she laughed and then reminded me of what I told her.

When I was young, and they were still pushing the get married and have babies thing, no one ever told us what to expect and they made it seem like it was the best thing ever... I cant say they were wrong, but damn...

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