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PO did What?

PO did What?
Found this interesting shifter fix there’s a blue, yellow, and 2 red zip ties with a screw thrown in to tighten it all up then wrapped in electrical tape for good measure.

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Nice rig on the shifter. Maybe he could not find the rubble insert and metal clip :)
If you were the PO, what do you think the new owner will laugh at you for?
Me personally it will be the stove up bolt I’m going to reinstall on the clutch cover- can’t seem to find one or a set anywhere.
Maybe I’ll be cursing myself someday

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If you were the PO, what do you think the new owner will laugh at you for?

I think this would make a GREAT new thread....... Well, what are ya waitin for? LOL

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Did not mean to redirect thread. Sorry about that. As you were, gentlemen, as you were. Shum8, go right ahead and start it. I did some weird things to my rig also...
No, no - I was in no way fussing..... I just think it would be a cool companion thread to this one....... I am quite sure we have all (except Lumpy) done stuff that would classify us as a PO. Only fair - you brought it up....... tell you what - you start that one and I'll start a "process injury" thread .

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Went to install a legit overflow bottle in my 80 CJ. The PO had an ice tea bottle. I knew that part when I bough the jeep a month ago. What I didnt know was that he drilled the radiator neck for the overflow hose to connect and used the barrel of a Bic pen as the tube from the radiator neck to the rubber hose leading to the ice tea bottle. I am betting the radiator wasnt even supposed to have and overflow as its an 80 and I dont think they started installing them from the factory until 81 or 82. Since there is now a hole in the neck I had no choice but to fix his "work" since the pen barrel pulled out when I tried to replace the overflow hose. Since the radiator will get replaced in the next 6 months when the jeep gets rebuilt I opted to use a brass double ended hose bard fitting. I cut it down on the one side and JB welded it into the hole he drilled in the radiator neck. Its still jenky but its better than a plastic Bic pen barrel !
I always thought my valve cover was leaking, but today I found out the PO never bothered using an o'ring to seal the distributor, so it was spurting out oil.
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On my 52 M38 PO twice removed used never seize on everything. Good deal almost everything comes apart 20? years later. Don't put it on your distributer. The material dried out from the heat and there is so much surface area it was locked in place. It turned to glue. Using heat and pry bars and a large set of channel locks I was able to free it up after working it for an hour.
The PO converted a 4.0 to carburation and added a Clifford intake, it did run after a new ignition and the 2150. Fast forward and a reman AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l went in and I used the Clifford, that may change and the DUI I put in the 4.0 was recycled so was the 2150 carb.
PO swapped in a SBC with an AX5 tranny. No adaptor, just cut and poorly welded the aluminum bell housing for what appeared to be a different model tranny. Part of the bell housing was missing and the welds to the aluminum were cracking and some already broke and only half the mounting holes lined up to have any bolts in them. I didn't care since I was swapping in another motor/Transmission combo anyway. But feared the tranny would drop out at any moment before getting the thing home. That and the 3" rubber stopper shoved in the rust hole in the driver's side floor board were a clear sign this guy knew and/or cared nothing for doing something right.
PO swapped rear gear to 3.55, but left the 2.73 in the front.
Did it make it run kinda hunched up, like the rear was creepin up on the front?

Some idiots shouldn’t be allowed off leash….

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