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1978 CJ-5 258ci/T150-3spd
I am currently in the process of sand blasting and painting my 78 CJ5 frame. I am trying to decide between POR15 and Zero Rust. Since I have never used either one, I was looking for some insight on which one would be better for my frame. Thanks
i would go with por15 then paint over it with an engine enamel glossy black so it keeps the color of the por15, usually they will give u paint but it is so the sun does not fade its protection away
I'm very happy with POR. Use POR Chassis paint for UV resistance.
I used a quart of por 15 products. I did 3 coats inside and out. Plus 3 coats inside and out of chassis coat black. You will alos need sone of thie thinner to clean up and spray it if you are shooting it on. Clean up your tank pan and tans pan as well so you can get these , at the same time. forgot mine when I was painting.
I am doing the same thing to my CJ7 frame. I looked into a lot of options and decided to sandblast, spray OSPHO (an acid that is a rust converter), let dry, sand down the white build up from the OSPHO, clean, prime with rustoleum primer, then paint with rustoleum paint. From the research I did, this is one of the best options due to price and it will not rust again. A guy I know who runs a local hotrod shop swears up and down that this is the best methiod. If you want to drop the $$$ then go the POR15 route.
I am doing the same thing to my CJ7 frame. I looked into a lot of options and decided to sandblast, spray OSPHO (an acid that is a rust converter), let dry, sand down the white build up from the OSPHO, clean, prime with rustoleum primer, then paint with rustoleum paint. From the research I did, this is one of the best options due to price and it will not rust again. A guy I know who runs a local hotrod shop swears up and down that this is the best methiod. If you want to drop the $$$ then go the POR15 route.

How do you get to the inside? The hotrod guy might be used to C-channel frames as most of those old frames are. These box frames need to have can paint poured down the inside because that is where all our rust starts. POR-15 is $100 and since this is the most important and hardest to do again job, why not get the good stuff?
How do you get to the inside? The hotrod guy might be used to C-channel frames as most of those old frames are. These box frames need to have can paint poured down the inside because that is where all our rust starts. POR-15 is $100 and since this is the most important and hardest to do again job, why not get the good stuff?

Regardless if you use POR15, OSPHO & Rustoleum, or whatever on the outside of the frame, I agree that you still have to deal with the inside. I am actually still debating what I want to use for the inside of my frame. I am going to do one or maybe a few of the following:
  • Used a cheep garden hose (those weed killer pumps) and spray OSPHO in all the access holes of the frame.
  • Poor linseed oil in the frame and move the frame around to try and coat the whole inside. (I saw a build on the internet where a guy did this)
  • Use Eastwoods internal frame coating. Internal Frame Coating w/Spray Nozzle
I'm leaning more toward the Eastwood internal frame coating, but I have not done much research on it yet or have heard of anyone who has used it. The stuff sounds good.
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I used the POR 15 on my 78 CJ7 I am restoring and am happy with it, but remember that POR15 is UV sensitive and must have a top coat over it to make it last. I also used the marine clean and metal ready products they sell, before painting. It really made a difference in my opinion. This is not the cheapest way of doing it, but I think it is the best.
I used POR15 and it turned out really nice.

Only thing I can say is to be sure you are covered head to toe with no skin showing. When it says on the can that only time will take the paint off your skin, they are SO right!

having to take your razor to your face in places like your nose, temple, etc.. to scrap off the layers of skin that have paint on them isn't fun and doesn't feel great believe it or not!
I forgot about that. You are correct it will not come off. I got some on my face and there is nothing you can do about it until it flakes off on its own.
Thanks everybody. It seems like most people like por15. Any recommendations on a top coat over the por15?

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