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Ported vacuum or Manifold vacuum

Ported vacuum or Manifold vacuum


Full Time Jeeper
Loveland, Colorado
1977 CJ 7; Amc 401 .30 over, Howell TBI, modified Dana 20 with Terra Low gears and twin sticks, NV 4500 5-speed, modified Dana 30 and Amc 20 both with 4.56 gears (narrow track), ARB air lockers front and rear, SSBC rear disc brake conversion, MICO Brake park brake, Navaho brake booster/ master cylinder, PowerTank CO2 tank.
I was doing a little research for myself to answer that question on vacuum advance. I thought this was a good article.

Ported Vs. Manifold Source: Vacuum Advance

This was written by a former GM engineer as a response to a similar question on a Camaro board:

As many of you are aware, timing and vacuum advance is one of my favorite subjects, as I was involved in the development of some of those systems in my GM days and I understand it. Many people don't, as there has been very little written about it anywhere that makes sense, and as a result, a lot of folks are under the misunderstanding that vacuum advance somehow compromises performance. Nothing could be further from the truth. I finally sat down the other day and wrote up a primer on the subject, with the objective of helping more folks to understand vacuum advance and how it works together with initial timing and centrifugal advance to optimize all-around operation and performance. I have this as a Word document if anyone wants it sent to them - I've cut-and-pasted it here; it's long, but hopefully it's also informative.


The most important concept to understand is that lean mixtures, such as at idle and steady highway cruise, take longer to burn than rich mixtures; idle in particular, as idle mixture is affected by exhaust gas dilution. This requires that lean mixtures have "the fire lit" earlier in the compression cycle (spark timing advanced), allowing more burn time so that peak cylinder pressure is reached just after TDC for peak efficiency and reduced exhaust gas temperature (wasted combustion energy). Rich mixtures, on the other hand, burn faster than lean mixtures, so they need to have "the fire lit" later in the compression cycle (spark timing retarded slightly) so maximum cylinder pressure is still achieved at the same point after TDC as with the lean mixture, for maximum efficiency.

The centrifugal advance system in a distributor advances spark timing purely as a function of engine rpm (irrespective of engine load or operating conditions), with the amount of advance and the rate at which it comes in determined by the weights and springs on top of the autocam mechanism. The amount of advance added by the distributor, combined with initial static timing, is "total timing" (i.e., the 34-36 degrees at high rpm that most SBC's like). Vacuum advance has absolutely nothing to do with total timing or performance, as when the throttle is opened, manifold vacuum drops essentially to zero, and the vacuum advance drops out entirely; it has no part in the "total timing" equation.

At idle, the engine needs additional spark advance in order to fire that lean, diluted mixture earlier in order to develop maximum cylinder pressure at the proper point, so the vacuum advance can (connected to manifold vacuum, not "ported" vacuum - more on that aberration later) is activated by the high manifold vacuum, and adds about 15 degrees of spark advance, on top of the initial static timing setting (i.e., if your static timing is at 10 degrees, at idle it's actually around 25 degrees with the vacuum advance connected). The same thing occurs at steady-state highway cruise; the mixture is lean, takes longer to burn, the load on the engine is low, the manifold vacuum is high, so the vacuum advance is again deployed, and if you had a timing light set up so you could see the balancer as you were going down the highway, you'd see about 50 degrees advance (10 degrees initial, 20-25 degrees from the centrifugal advance, and 15 degrees from the vacuum advance) at steady-state cruise (it only takes about 40 horsepower to cruise at 50mph).

When you accelerate, the mixture is instantly enriched (by the accelerator pump, power valve, etc.), burns faster, doesn't need the additional spark advance, and when the throttle plates open, manifold vacuum drops, and the vacuum advance can returns to zero, retarding the spark timing back to what is provided by the initial static timing plus the centrifugal advance provided by the distributor at that engine rpm; the vacuum advance doesn't come back into play until you back off the gas and manifold vacuum increases again as you return to steady-state cruise, when the mixture again becomes lean.

The key difference is that centrifugal advance (in the distributor autocam via weights and springs) is purely rpm-sensitive; nothing changes it except changes in rpm. Vacuum advance, on the other hand, responds to engine load and rapidly-changing operating conditions, providing the correct degree of spark advance at any point in time based on engine load, to deal with both lean and rich mixture conditions. By today's terms, this was a relatively crude mechanical system, but it did a good job of optimizing engine efficiency, throttle response, fuel economy, and idle cooling, with absolutely ZERO effect on wide-open throttle performance, as vacuum advance is inoperative under wide-open throttle conditions. In modern cars with computerized engine controllers, all those sensors and the controller change both mixture and spark timing 50 to 100 times per second, and we don't even HAVE a distributor any more - it's all electronic.

Now, to the widely-misunderstood manifold-vs.-ported vacuum aberration. After 30-40 years of controlling vacuum advance with full manifold vacuum, along came emissions requirements, years before catalytic converter technology had been developed, and all manner of crude band-aid systems were developed to try and reduce hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen in the exhaust stream. One of these band-aids was "ported spark", which moved the vacuum pickup orifice in the carburetor venturi from below the throttle plate (where it was exposed to full manifold vacuum at idle) to above the throttle plate, where it saw no manifold vacuum at all at idle. This meant the vacuum advance was inoperative at idle (retarding spark timing from its optimum value), and these applications also had VERY low initial static timing (usually 4 degrees or less, and some actually were set at 2 degrees AFTER TDC). This was done in order to increase exhaust gas temperature (due to "lighting the fire late") to improve the effectiveness of the "afterburning" of hydrocarbons by the air injected into the exhaust manifolds by the A.I.R. system; as a result, these engines ran like :dung:, and an enormous amount of wasted heat energy was transferred through the exhaust port walls into the coolant, causing them to run hot at idle - cylinder pressure fell off, engine temperatures went up, combustion efficiency went down the drain, and fuel economy went down with it.

If you look at the centrifugal advance calibrations for these "ported spark, late-timed" engines, you'll see that instead of having 20 degrees of advance, they had up to 34 degrees of advance in the distributor, in order to get back to the 34-36 degrees "total timing" at high rpm wide-open throttle to get some of the performance back. The vacuum advance still worked at steady-state highway cruise (lean mixture = low emissions), but it was inoperative at idle, which caused all manner of problems - "ported vacuum" was strictly an early, pre-converter crude emissions strategy, and nothing more.

What about the Harry high-school non-vacuum advance polished billet "whizbang" distributors you see in the Summit and Jeg's catalogs? They're JUNK on a street-driven car, but some people keep buying them because they're "race car" parts, so they must be "good for my car" - they're NOT. "Race cars" run at wide-open throttle, rich mixture, full load, and high rpm all the time, so they don't need a system (vacuum advance) to deal with the full range of driving conditions encountered in street operation. Anyone driving a street-driven car without manifold-connected vacuum advance is sacrificing idle cooling, throttle response, engine efficiency, and fuel economy, probably because they don't understand what vacuum advance is, how it works, and what it's for - there are lots of long-time experienced "mechanics" who don't understand the principles and operation of vacuum advance either, so they're not alone.

Vacuum advance calibrations are different between stock engines and modified engines, especially if you have a lot of cam and have relatively low manifold vacuum at idle. Most stock vacuum advance cans aren’t fully-deployed until they see about 15” Hg. Manifold vacuum, so those cans don’t work very well on a modified engine; with less than 15” Hg. at a rough idle, the stock can will “dither” in and out in response to the rapidly-changing manifold vacuum, constantly varying the amount of vacuum advance, which creates an unstable idle. Modified engines with more cam that generate less than 15” Hg. of vacuum at idle need a vacuum advance can that’s fully-deployed at least 1”, preferably 2” of vacuum less than idle vacuum level so idle advance is solid and stable; the Echlin #VC-1810 advance can (about $10 at NAPA) provides the same amount of advance as the stock can (15 degrees), but is fully-deployed at only 8” of vacuum, so there is no variation in idle timing even with a stout cam.

For peak engine performance, driveability, idle cooling and efficiency in a street-driven car, you need vacuum advance, connected to full manifold vacuum. Absolutely. Positively. Don't ask Summit or Jeg's about it – they don’t understand it, they're on commission, and they want to sell "race car" parts.
EGR Valves - Ported vs. Manifold Vacuum

There are two sources of vacuum which is used to power many systems on our FSJs. Manifold vacuum, which is the present in the intake manifold, is the main source. It powers systems like the power brakes, heater controls, diverter/air management valve, etc.

The manifold vacuum signal is high at idle and even higher when decelerating at relatively high engine speed with the throttle valves closed. At sealevel, the idle manifold vacuum is usually in excess of 20" HG.

20" HG is 20 inches or water column on a manometer. When the engine is off, the pressure differential between the inside of the intake manifold and the atmosphere on the outside of the engine is nothing or 0" HG. In other words, the pressure is the same on both sides of the intake manifold's walls. If we could pull all the air out of the intake manifold and form a perfect vacuum (as in outer space), the pressure differential would be 29.92" HG at sealevel standard atmosphere. 20" HG is a strong vacuum signal produced because the engine is really an air pump and it is working hard against the restriction created by the nearly closed throttle valves when idling.

The vacuum signal at idle would be even stronger if it weren't for the overlap period ground into the cam shaft. There is a certain amount of time (I believe 21.5 degrees of crankshaft rotation for each cylinder in the 360's case) that both the intake and exhaust valves are off their seats. Some of the air (and fuel) leaks out of the intake into the exhaust during this period. Especially at idle since port velocity is low.

I don't know exactly how much vacuum signal it takes to fully open an EGR valve. I would guess it would be fully open by 10" HG or less. If we hooked the EGR valve up to a 20" HG manifold vac. signal, it would be fully open.

Air (which is composed of gases) follows all the laws of fluid dynamics and flows via the path of least resistance. With the EGR valve open, a large vacuum leak is introduced and the path of least resistance is from the exhaust system, through the EGR circuit and into the intake. Since the exhaust basically contains very little oxygen or fuel, the engine will die immediately with little struggle.

An engine with a functioning EGR valve and no plugged-up passages in the EGR system, will not idle with an EGR valve connected to manifold vacuum.

Now it is possible you confused manifold vacuum with port vacuum. Port vacuum signal is generated via Burneulli's Principle in the carb's venturi. The larger the volume of air flowing through the carb., the stronger the vac. signal. At idle there is very little air flowing through the carb and the vac. signal is very small. Basically no vacuum. At wide-open throttle (WOT) and high RPM, the port vacuum signal is strongest.

The EGR valve's diaphragm is hooked ultimately to port vacuum. At idle there is no signal and the valve is closed. At WOT, the valve would be fully open except there is a calibrated vac. switch inline which is referenced to manifold vacuum and will dump the port vac. signal, closing the EGR valve, when the engine is under a significant load.

The other system normally (when the engine is at op. temp.) connected to port vac. is the vacuum advance mech. in the distributor. Hooking the vac. advance to manifold vacuum will decrease WOT performance but, won't significantly hurt fuel economy. When cruising, manifold vacuum is relatively high and the timing is advanced. But at WOT when the manifold vac. signal is very small, there is no timing advance beyond the mechanical advance's max.

Another thing: hook those EGR valves up the way their supposed to be and make sure the whole system is operational. They reduce NOx which is an orderless, colorless chemical concoction which destroys lung tissue. Some modern cars don't have EGR valves anymore but, they still have EGR via careful cam profiles. The engineers time the overlap period so the fresh air/fuel mix is diluted with inert exhaust gasses.

Already stated advancing the timing would increase NOx production. So will lean air/fuel ratio, vacuum leaks and higher compression ratios. A correctly functioning EGR valve reduces NOx production greatly and doesn't affect performance. Which allows us to benefit from better performance without poisoning all living beings including ourselves.
This will really open a can of worms for some people.......but I am a believer in manifold vacuum for the distributor advance. However, the second article you quoted gives what I believe is incorrect information.......

From my experience and research there are three sources for vacuum on a normal emissions equipped car or truck. There is manifold, ported, and venturi vacuum. Manifold comes straight from the manifold, ported comes from just above the throttle plate, but below the venturi, and venturi vacuum comes from the low pressure section of the venturi.

Here is a chart of throttle postion versus both manifold and ported vacuum.


I do not remember where I copied this from, but it was not my chart......

Anyway, as you can see the only difference between the two is when the throttle is closed. Manifold and ported vacuum are almost exactly the same except for close throttle conditions. Venturi vacuum would almost be the inverse of manifold as venturi vacuum increases with air flow through the carb.

For me, the thing to note is the fact that most every car with vacuum advance, used manifold vacuum until the advent of emission controls. Modern engines have different systems to ensure clean operation and should be maintained that way.....older engines......I will always use manifold vacuum in mine.
Thanks for posting that chart. Very interesting.
Outstanding article, thank you.:chug:
Just redid my vacuum lines on my throttle body, hooking them up to the correct ports. I had three on the wrong ports. After looking on Holleys web sight to get correct port locations. When I got it from Howell, there was nothing to say what was what. Drove around today and I can tell the difference. No more off idle hesitation. Amazing what a little research nets.:D
Manifold vacuum- any vacuum source that is tapped from belowe the throttle plate in its fully closed position.

Ported vacuum- vacuum port that rests just above throttle plate in its idle position/ closed position. Supplies no vacuum at idle, only when the throttle plate is moved above the port will vacuum be supplied. Used for an off idle vacuum source when having vacuum supplied at idle wont work.

Venturi Vacuum- vacuum source located above throttle plate in the center of a narrowed passage. The air going through the narrow passage speeds up creating an area of low pressure. The low pressure created by the air speeding up creates the venturi vacuum source.

Just some more info.

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