I'm just going into my first winter with the Jeep, but at work we've had service vehicles on propane and they work fine all winter with a couple tricks. One is using a heat gun or blow dryer on the shut-off key as it can freeze shut (even though there is engine coolant circulating there) Once started though everything works fine. If you are away from electricity pooring hot water on it can help... or as my friend says "take a piss on it!" funny, but might just work in a pinch! On the other side of things if the tank gets too hot, particularly when full, the pressure can get too high and then some safty valve wont open (or something like that) and there will be no fuel delivery. This is solved by painting the tank white and you can always poor some cold water over it to cool the tank. I've also heard very humid weather can effect things, make it run a bit rough maybe... I dont know much about this yet.