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Random rants

Random rants


Jeep-CJ.com Archive Master
Kathleen, GA
If you need to rant about anything feel free to drop in in this thread or add to mine.

My rant of the day:

People are all pissed because the CIA mistreated some Ahole terrorists.
These are the same people screaming for blood when planes flew into buildings. All I can say is be glad it was the CIA and not me! Cause i'm telling you now if it was me water boarding and a good azz whopping would be the least of their problems! :censored: :mad:

Rant on brothers rant on!
I agree! I take that dragging our soldiers through the streets and such is OK? I know that as a whole we have decided that we should hold our selves to a higher standard but... That standard can go to hell in my book, I'm tired of all the PC goodness. Sometimes you have to do what needs to be done.

Now the repercussions are stating to take place because of the latest action by our 'leaders'. The CIA actually passed on interrogating a new prisoner because of potential ramifications! Um - sometimes you have to treat terrorist as they are - a terrorist.
Did everyone forget internet be -headings, car bombing , and kidnappings / torture? People who cry about this kinda junk should be the next in line for some water boarding.
I'm angry at the American people. we are the fools that continue to install into office the very same liberal intolerant liberty hating socialists into the offices that write policy detrimental to our way of life. We elect "feel good" candidates, that decimate defence spending, criminalize heroes, crush their own citizens with mindless legislature and openly steal from us through a strangling tax structure. They enter our personal lives, and assume the role of parent to our children, teaching an increasingly anti American rederick in our schools. Under the protection of the 1st amendment, you can preach hate in our streets, hand out condoms to children without the consent or knowledge of a parent, and explore homosexuality in our classrooms, but the mention of the word "God", will evoke the wrath of the ACLU and the threat of law suits. A trip to Washington DC will show just how far we have been led down the path. As far as the eye can see, you will find monuments and grand institutions, dedicated to politicians. We have allowed and created a ruling class, and funded the monuments they build for themselves. We allow the stripping of constitutional rights we bought and paid for with our blood, and turn a blind eye when our borders are opened to a flood of illegal criminals that leach from a system that cannot bear the weight of the entitlements of welfare to people that do not deserve it. We release violent criminals into our street to prey on the innocent, and work tirelessly to disembowel the 2nd amendment, and the right and ability of those innocent and law abiding citizens from defending themselves. I could go on for 500 pages, but I have come to the painful realization that WE THE PEOPLE have turned our lives over to fools, to be used as they see fit. Fools and tyrants that have become the owners of our very existence, and WE put them there. The greatest shame in all of this, is that they have made us believe that THEY are the rulers, and we must comply. In reality, WE rule ourselves, and WE have the absolute power to stop this madness through peaceful ballot. Our forefathers saw to it that we have this right. They had a unique understanding of a healthy fear and mistrust of government, and gave us the tools to protect ourselves. It's at our own hands that we suffer, and It pisses me off.:mad: There's my rant, sorry it took so long...
Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

Thomas Jefferson
Straight out of the constitution;

— That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

The only problem now days is if you would so much as mutter these words aloud on a steet corner you would be arrested and waterboarded and accoused of beeing a domestic terrorist.

I also have a question. When did politician become a profession? Ronald Regan was once quoted "politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I’ve come to realize there is a very close resemblance to the first.” How are these crusty old political elitists like John Kerry, John McCain and Chris Dodd elected year after year after year, but they don't really do anything? And what happened to term limits? Wasn't that a big stink 10 or so years ago, to get these elitist a-holes out of Washington and let someone new in?
I'm angry at the American people. we are the fools that continue to install into office the very same liberal intolerant liberty hating socialists into the offices that write policy detrimental to our way of life. We elect "feel good" candidates, that decimate defence spending, criminalize heroes, crush their own citizens with mindless legislature and openly steal from us through a strangling tax structure. They enter our personal lives, and assume the role of parent to our children, teaching an increasingly anti American rederick in our schools. Under the protection of the 1st amendment, you can preach hate in our streets, hand out condoms to children without the consent or knowledge of a parent, and explore homosexuality in our classrooms, but the mention of the word "God", will evoke the wrath of the ACLU and the threat of law suits. A trip to Washington DC will show just how far we have been led down the path. As far as the eye can see, you will find monuments and grand institutions, dedicated to politicians. We have allowed and created a ruling class, and funded the monuments they build for themselves. We allow the stripping of constitutional rights we bought and paid for with our blood, and turn a blind eye when our borders are opened to a flood of illegal criminals that leach from a system that cannot bear the weight of the entitlements of welfare to people that do not deserve it. We release violent criminals into our street to prey on the innocent, and work tirelessly to disembowel the 2nd amendment, and the right and ability of those innocent and law abiding citizens from defending themselves. I could go on for 500 pages, but I have come to the painful realization that WE THE PEOPLE have turned our lives over to fools, to be used as they see fit. Fools and tyrants that have become the owners of our very existence, and WE put them there. The greatest shame in all of this, is that they have made us believe that THEY are the rulers, and we must comply. In reality, WE rule ourselves, and WE have the absolute power to stop this madness through peaceful ballot. Our forefathers saw to it that we have this right. They had a unique understanding of a healthy fear and mistrust of government, and gave us the tools to protect ourselves. It's at our own hands that we suffer, and It pisses me off.:mad: There's my rant, sorry it took so long...
Well put and a great read!
I'm angry at the American people. we are the fools that continue to install into office the very same liberal intolerant liberty hating socialists into the offices that write policy detrimental to our way of life. We elect "feel good" candidates, that decimate defence spending, criminalize heroes, crush their own citizens with mindless legislature and openly steal from us through a strangling tax structure. They enter our personal lives, and assume the role of parent to our children, teaching an increasingly anti American rederick in our schools. Under the protection of the 1st amendment, you can preach hate in our streets, hand out condoms to children without the consent or knowledge of a parent, and explore homosexuality in our classrooms, but the mention of the word "God", will evoke the wrath of the ACLU and the threat of law suits. A trip to Washington DC will show just how far we have been led down the path. As far as the eye can see, you will find monuments and grand institutions, dedicated to politicians. We have allowed and created a ruling class, and funded the monuments they build for themselves. We allow the stripping of constitutional rights we bought and paid for with our blood, and turn a blind eye when our borders are opened to a flood of illegal criminals that leach from a system that cannot bear the weight of the entitlements of welfare to people that do not deserve it. We release violent criminals into our street to prey on the innocent, and work tirelessly to disembowel the 2nd amendment, and the right and ability of those innocent and law abiding citizens from defending themselves. I could go on for 500 pages, but I have come to the painful realization that WE THE PEOPLE have turned our lives over to fools, to be used as they see fit. Fools and tyrants that have become the owners of our very existence, and WE put them there. The greatest shame in all of this, is that they have made us believe that THEY are the rulers, and we must comply. In reality, WE rule ourselves, and WE have the absolute power to stop this madness through peaceful ballot. Our forefathers saw to it that we have this right. They had a unique understanding of a healthy fear and mistrust of government, and gave us the tools to protect ourselves. It's at our own hands that we suffer, and It pisses me off.:mad: There's my rant, sorry it took so long...
I'm angry at the American people. we are the fools that continue to install into office the very same liberal intolerant liberty hating socialists into the offices that write policy detrimental to our way of life. We elect "feel good" candidates, that decimate defence spending, criminalize heroes, crush their own citizens with mindless legislature and openly steal from us through a strangling tax structure. They enter our personal lives, and assume the role of parent to our children, teaching an increasingly anti American rederick in our schools. Under the protection of the 1st amendment, you can preach hate in our streets, hand out condoms to children without the consent or knowledge of a parent, and explore homosexuality in our classrooms, but the mention of the word "God", will evoke the wrath of the ACLU and the threat of law suits. A trip to Washington DC will show just how far we have been led down the path. As far as the eye can see, you will find monuments and grand institutions, dedicated to politicians. We have allowed and created a ruling class, and funded the monuments they build for themselves. We allow the stripping of constitutional rights we bought and paid for with our blood, and turn a blind eye when our borders are opened to a flood of illegal criminals that leach from a system that cannot bear the weight of the entitlements of welfare to people that do not deserve it. We release violent criminals into our street to prey on the innocent, and work tirelessly to disembowel the 2nd amendment, and the right and ability of those innocent and law abiding citizens from defending themselves. I could go on for 500 pages, but I have come to the painful realization that WE THE PEOPLE have turned our lives over to fools, to be used as they see fit. Fools and tyrants that have become the owners of our very existence, and WE put them there. The greatest shame in all of this, is that they have made us believe that THEY are the rulers, and we must comply. In reality, WE rule ourselves, and WE have the absolute power to stop this madness through peaceful ballot. Our forefathers saw to it that we have this right. They had a unique understanding of a healthy fear and mistrust of government, and gave us the tools to protect ourselves. It's at our own hands that we suffer, and It pisses me off.:mad: There's my rant, sorry it took so long...
I'm angry at the American people. we are the fools that continue to install into office the very same liberal intolerant liberty hating socialists into the offices that write policy detrimental to our way of life. We elect "feel good" candidates, that decimate defence spending, criminalize heroes, crush their own citizens with mindless legislature and openly steal from us through a strangling tax structure. They enter our personal lives, and assume the role of parent to our children, teaching an increasingly anti American rederick in our schools. Under the protection of the 1st amendment, you can preach hate in our streets, hand out condoms to children without the consent or knowledge of a parent, and explore homosexuality in our classrooms, but the mention of the word "God", will evoke the wrath of the ACLU and the threat of law suits. A trip to Washington DC will show just how far we have been led down the path. As far as the eye can see, you will find monuments and grand institutions, dedicated to politicians. We have allowed and created a ruling class, and funded the monuments they build for themselves. We allow the stripping of constitutional rights we bought and paid for with our blood, and turn a blind eye when our borders are opened to a flood of illegal criminals that leach from a system that cannot bear the weight of the entitlements of welfare to people that do not deserve it. We release violent criminals into our street to prey on the innocent, and work tirelessly to disembowel the 2nd amendment, and the right and ability of those innocent and law abiding citizens from defending themselves. I could go on for 500 pages, but I have come to the painful realization that WE THE PEOPLE have turned our lives over to fools, to be used as they see fit. Fools and tyrants that have become the owners of our very existence, and WE put them there. The greatest shame in all of this, is that they have made us believe that THEY are the rulers, and we must comply. In reality, WE rule ourselves, and WE have the absolute power to stop this madness through peaceful ballot. Our forefathers saw to it that we have this right. They had a unique understanding of a healthy fear and mistrust of government, and gave us the tools to protect ourselves. It's at our own hands that we suffer, and It pisses me off.:mad: There's my rant, sorry it took so long...

Way to go CW I agree.
New rant.

I hate cellphones. Everytime one goes off in a dinner, I about loose my mind.
Are people so attached to their fawking phone that they can't turn the thing off to eat. Even turning the ringer off, is it honestly that freaking hard.
Don't get me wrong they are good for emergencies, be it calling for help or for someone calling you, but there are times and places for a phone.

Today on the way to work I saw 4 people in a car, all 4, ALL 4 talking on cell phones and not to each other, WTF?!?!
Cell phones are the devils work! :)

After a seven or so year hiatus I just purchased one. Mainly for two reasons, I no longer have a home phone and the second to monitor this site as I receive all posts and new member registrations in real time via my CrackBerry... :)

BUT - It gets set to vibe or no alerts except when I'm at home, work or in my Truck. I even installed a blue tooth kit ( Motorola T605 Bluetooth Car kit - Jeep-CJ Reviews ) because I cannot believe that people STILL talk on the phone WITHOUT hands free!!!
Thank you someone who owns one and yet gets how they are supposed to be used.
LOL - My Mother actually pulls off the road to make or receive a call... We taught her well!
Um.... I am a phone-a-holic. I dont know if they have meetings for things like this. A 12 step program of some sort.

And I dont use blue tooth. I think that if you are holding a phone to your ear, at least it dont look like you are talking to yourself...

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