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Scott Brown Wins!

Scott Brown Wins!


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
Scott Brown Wins!

Nuff said - Ted is turning over in his grave! :)

Enough about change!
There is hope! :D I bet Obama is not a happy camper! :doh:
He can shove his health care up someone elses <-BAD WORD->! :patriot:
I never thought the people of Mass. had it in them. There might be hope after all.:dbanana:
I believe that for the people in Mass. it wasn't a question of rep. vs dem. it was just the fact that they had the biggest dog in the yard.
another good case for term limits.:cool:
When Jessie Helms died they should have put Ted in the same hole.
The would has been a little out of balance.:cool:
You are all scholars in my book. I would never wish someone dead, but this could be the most important day in our country's history. Down with government run healthcare!!!!!!!!:chug:
Funny how just one win, brought on so many LOSSES! :eek: I would have given anything to be a fly on the wall buzzing around certain capital building offices :D
That's one for America!! :us:
You know - it didn't come down to a demo vs repub thing... What it was (is), a 'were tired of the :dung: that our elected are dealing and were not going to take it any more'...

All those folks in Washington had better look around and pay attention - because their asses are on the chopping block NEXT! You can rest assured that I will NOT be electing the dumb <-BAD WORD-> who has been representing my state lately!

Hell, I bet a working mother of two could easily win the election next time if people knew about her... We are just that damn tired of the BS that we have been fed... :(
You know - it didn't come down to a demo vs repub thing... What it was (is), a 'were tired of the :dung: that our elected are dealing and were not going to take it any more'...

All those folks in Washington had better look around and pay attention - because their asses are on the chopping block NEXT! You can rest assured that I will NOT be electing the dumb <-BAD WORD-> who has been representing my state lately!

Hell, I bet a working mother of two could easily win the election next time if people knew about her... We are just that damn tired of the BS that we have been fed... :(

It's going to take a long time to even begin to undo the damage done by the liars and theives we have elected into office. Term limits MUST be instated, or nothing will ever change. I hope the American people have FINALLY taken notice of what the hell is hapening to this country, and STAY mad as hell about it. While i am a registered republican, I have little love for the party as a whole. We as a people need to get back to the original mistrust for government, and keep a close and stern eye on those we entrust to Limited power! :censored:
It's going to take a long time to even begin to undo the damage done by the liars and theives we have elected into office. Term limits MUST be instated, or nothing will ever change. I hope the American people have FINALLY taken notice of what the hell is hapening to this country, and STAY mad as hell about it. While i am a registered republican, I have little love for the party as a whole. We as a people need to get back to the original mistrust for government, and keep a close and stern eye on those we entrust to Limited power! :censored:
You said it Brother! It is a very sad day when I as a voter and more important, a resident of the great United States no longer trust my elected representatives...

The reprehensible conduct of our Senate and House shames me... :(

This Country was established and run on a completely different set of rules - and the ones who started us (the USA) would be carrying arms if the :dung: was happening (back) then...

I'm sick and tired! And I hope that most of us are!

The Constitution (the single most important and perfect document ever written (IMHO) -->> Full Text of the Constitution of the United States | Freedom Documents ) has been rewritten and changed so many times it is not funny!

Fantastic videos from Judge Andrew Napolitano -->> The Constitution and Freedom - Part 5 | The FOX Nation
another good case for term limits.:cool:

The best 'term limit' is for us to get off our backside on election day. If the guy/gal is doing a good job, let them keep doing it. If they're not, kick them out. Yeah, but that means we have to get involved - on election day and the rest of the time keeping an eye on what they do or don't do. Might be too much work.
The best 'term limit' is for us to get off our backside on election day. If the guy/gal is doing a good job, let them keep doing it. If they're not, kick them out. Yeah, but that means we have to get involved - on election day and the rest of the time keeping an eye on what they do or don't do. Might be too much work.
And the problem is that the MAJORITY sit back and say 'it's not my problem', hence they do not care until they are affected directly... One word -VOTE! :)
And the problem is that the MAJORITY sit back and say 'it's not my problem', hence they do not care until they are affected directly... One word -VOTE! :)

I always vote, I just wish I had someone GOOD to vote for.:mad:
The best 'term limit' is for us to get off our backside on election day. If the guy/gal is doing a good job, let them keep doing it. If they're not, kick them out. Yeah, but that means we have to get involved - on election day and the rest of the time keeping an eye on what they do or don't do. Might be too much work.

My problem with these two sentiments, is the fact that most elections are not for the "Best Candidate", but "between "Bad or Worse"! I mean really, are going to tell me that between "NoBama & McCain" there was a Good choice?:barf:
No, we don't always see a good choice, whether it be for County Commissioner, the School Board, or the President. This ole country boy's opinion is that's our fault. We sit back and see who's gonna run, not try to find the best candidate and get them to run. We let the political machines, be they Republican or Democrat, decide who we can vote for, and then let ourselves be swayed by which one can spend the most money on slick advertising. There's never been an independent President, though old Teddy Roosevelt came close with his Bull Moose party. If some independent thinkers hadn't stepped up a long time ago, we'd all be having high tea and singing God Save The Queen. Just sayin, maybe if we don't like the way things are, we might ought to do more than bitch about it. And I'll be first to admit being guilty about bitching and not doing.
No, we don't always see a good choice, whether it be for County Commissioner, the School Board, or the President. This ole country boy's opinion is that's our fault. We sit back and see who's gonna run, not try to find the best candidate and get them to run. We let the political machines, be they Republican or Democrat, decide who we can vote for, and then let ourselves be swayed by which one can spend the most money on slick advertising. There's never been an independent President, though old Teddy Roosevelt came close with his Bull Moose party. If some independent thinkers hadn't stepped up a long time ago, we'd all be having high tea and singing God Save The Queen. Just sayin, maybe if we don't like the way things are, we might ought to do more than bitch about it. And I'll be first to admit being guilty about bitching and not doing.
Nice post... I be you see an independent soon... Times are changing...
No, we don't always see a good choice, whether it be for County Commissioner, the School Board, or the President. This ole country boy's opinion is that's our fault. We sit back and see who's gonna run, not try to find the best candidate and get them to run. We let the political machines, be they Republican or Democrat, decide who we can vote for, and then let ourselves be swayed by which one can spend the most money on slick advertising. There's never been an independent President, though old Teddy Roosevelt came close with his Bull Moose party. If some independent thinkers hadn't stepped up a long time ago, we'd all be having high tea and singing God Save The Queen. Just sayin, maybe if we don't like the way things are, we might ought to do more than bitch about it. And I'll be first to admit being guilty about bitching and not doing.

I can agree with most of that statement.
How ever even when you get a decent 3rd party candidate like "Ron Paul".
(No I don't agree with everything the man say's, but with more than most.)
The so called "Free Press" with not give them credence as a real candidate.

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