Sorry just read a reply here it is.
Seems there is a bit of confusion on how to set the time on a jeep CJ
The "COMPLETE" and fully functional "COMPUTER" controlled jeep CJ's will be timed at 1600 rpms as 1986CJ7 has said...
If the computer, computer controled carter carb, and all the sensors and not there and working..... then do not time your CJ like this, at 1600 rpms... The AMC Computer can only take out or lower the amount of ADVANCE.... it was timed at 1600 rpms, .... used the knock sensor, O2 sensor, to adj "take out advance" the computer could remove/retard the time and adjust the carb settings...
Since the Poster has a 73 CJ with a 80s engine with a after market carb and distributor he will NOT be timed at 1600 rpms. He will time at idle with the vac advance hose disconnected from the distributor and plug the rubber vac line with a golf tee or similar.
AMC engines like 33 to 35 deg of total advance. HEI distributors are known for having more than this. The guys that say 12 deg of initial advance are putting in 1/3 or more of the advance in initial advance or a base line of advance... The initial advance never comes out its a base.... the mech advance and vac advance is what makes the engine work well and work with the load and operation of the vehicle...
With a proper functional distributor, initial advance of 4-8 deg is a very good range. I do not knock at 8deg but use 6 deg initial. Lower your initial advance and your CJ will start better too.
The distributor advance chart....
Is in the 78 and 79 FSM, Field Service Manual.... Once the computer is removed both the 70s and 80s jeeps can and should use this Advance Curve to set up your AMC engines. There are manual, autos, CJ and FSJ charts in the manuals.
Jeepers that have a 80s jeep CJ and the computer is removed and/or have a aftermarket carbs need to modify the stock distributor so it works properly or change it out.... Most of the change is opening up the mech advance slots so the computer vitange distributor that comes with 5 or 8 deg slots can have/ use a normal amount of advance like 15 degrees the engine can acutaly use... this is what will give you hwy and higher rpm performance & efficiency... Easy to do just go slow with file or small grinder so you do not make the slot toooooooo big and go slow.... Use balancer tape to verify your work.... This limitation is one of the main reasons the hei seems to be a good change.... Learn to correct your old duraspark distributor and you will like that one tooo....
Thanks to MN
CJ7 for this great info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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