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Shirts, hats and stuff...

Shirts, hats and stuff...
Hay CJ have you gotten any closer on getting stickers made??? CW look good on his rig love to get some when you get them done.:drool::notworthy:
I would like to have the T without the back logo

A T with just the pic on the front is cool, not a back logo fan, I like to know when I'm being read.
Keep the windshield, if you didn't then what would the 2 big dots be? It makes since with the windshield.

And I'm always open to Neked pic's in a email or PM! :drool:
I haven't decided on what I want to do on stickers, hats, shirts and other stuff. It means one hell of an outlay of cash for me. Before I jump into a finalized design I have to be sure it is exactly what people want.

CW has been working on windsheild overlays - I need to decide on what I want to do with those - and FishingFool has a good source for stickers and such.

Now I just have to make a decision and open up the check book... :)
If you get a final design, I would be willing to pay in advance for my items. I think a few more of us would be willing to also, if that would help pad the initial investment. That way you don't have to put up all the money yourself.
I'd be interested in a tshirt or tank and some stickers for the cj.
CJ, as an Admin on my other club site and being responsible for decals and such, I understand your pain on fronting the bill on shirts. I will be more than happy to prepay for tshirts and stickers when you get the design finalized.

I'm with the others and not really digging the hat, seems too 80's and too square for my taste.

Also, when you decide what company you get to print your shirts, PLEASE don't get the super thin ones you have to wear another shirt under (unless you get them for the females in the bunch ;) ) I made that mistake once with my computer business, and now they are $20 dust rags.
Thanks crzylee - I appreciate that.

I think I found a good company here in town to make all the site items, they seem to want to work with me and willing to do small orders. I think I see Jeep-CJ.com items soon (may be a month or so).

You all have been very patient and I can't that you all enough for your contributions!

And yea, no cheap and thin stuff - I can get that at Walmart...
CJ let me know when you get the stuff. I'm in for some.
By the way, I just voted!!:chug:
I'd being willing to pre-pay for a shirt and some stickers too.
Every time I see this thread bumped up I hope for a shirt or windshield sticker. :(
how about this for a logo?

and any decals for our jeeps yet. I am interested in helping design some if needed as well as getting a few for my jeep.
Post has been dead dor some time so not sure if this was just forgotten or maybe the forum has a logo in place now.

Just curious is all. :D
Sorry folks - this dropped off the radar screen due to my real job. I promise to make it right ASAP.
This isnt your real job?? :laugh:

That latest desin is way cool. :notworthy:
Sorry folks - this dropped off the radar screen due to my real job. I promise to make it right ASAP.
I like it but don't know about the - it's needed but just doesn't look right.
This isnt your real job?? :laugh:

He just wants us to think he has a real job so we dont think that he just sits in front of the computer all day, tweaking this and that to make this site so damn excellent, and looking at boobies :)

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